morning after ☼ jj

Start from the beginning

"I don't remember anything," you mumbled out, making JJ turn to you.

"You seriously don't remember a single thing?" JJ asked, softly.

"I mean not that I can think of," you mumbled, closing your eyes.

"Go back to sleep, y/n," John B laughed, leaving the room. Rolling over to curl up, you saw JJ staring at you with his features slightly sad.

"Do you seriously not remember a single thing?" he asked, looking over to you. His voice wasn't in his normal fun tone.

"What's wrong?" you asked, furrowing your eyebrows in confusion.

"Nothing," he shook his head, standing up to walk away from you.

"JJ, what's wrong?" you asked, sitting up.

"Nothing, just get some sleep," he said, not even looking at you before he walked out the room and shut the door. Part of you wanted to keep pressing the matter, but you also knew JJ. If you bombarded him trying to get answers, he would snap. He needed time to cool off and you needed sleep, so you let yourself lay back down and doze off again.

When you woke up this time, you were able to find your own clothes and threw them on. Walking out of the room, you saw John B.

"Morning," he laughed, taking in your messy self. "By the way, I texted your dad for you saying that you stayed at Kie's," he added, making you smile.

"Thank you," you smiled, meekly. "I need to go home and shower." Nodding, he waved as you walked out the door. You headed back to your house, quickly wanting to strip and shower. Once you finished and got ready, you looked at your phone to see a message from John B saying there was going to be another party tonight. Quickly, you replied saying you would be there. With that in mind, you spent the rest of the day laid out by your pool, relaxing before you died again tonight. When the time came, you got ready and headed over to the normal spot. The second you arrived, you saw a crap ton of people, some already drunk.

"What the hell?" you laughed out, walking up to see John B standing with a drink.

"Shit, y/n, I forgot to tell you it got pushed up earlier," John B let out, giving a nervous smile.

"Well then you can go get my drink," you smiled, watching as he scurried off to go get you your own drink. Your eyes scanned around and set on JJ. The second John B came back with your drink, you began gulping it down until there was none left. "Another one please," you winced our, handing him the empty cup. Once he walked away, you headed towards JJ.

"Hey!" you called, catching his attention. He stood there with no emotion. "Can you tell me what happened earlier?" you asked, stopping right in front of them.

"Don't worry about it... You're going to be too drunk to remember it anyway," he rudely laughed out.

"Okay, what the hell is your problem?" you asked, turning to look up at him with a confused expression.

"You. You're my problem," he growled out, moving past you and walking off.

"JJ, what the fuck?" you called out, making him turn around and pause his movements for one second before returning to walking away from you. Angrily, and in confusion, you went back over to John B and filled down another beer... and another... and another.

The night went on with you watching JJ and trying to figure out what went wrong. You watched as he flirted with some girl. Most likely tourist. Sighing, you returned back to the conversation you were having with some guy. He was trying his hardest to entice you, but he just couldn't do it. He wasn't who you wanted and he never would be. JJ was the guy you wanted and he always had been. Once you felt the buzz of the alcohol, you finally came over to him.

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