Chapter 38- Everyone's Favorite Brother

Start from the beginning

"Well thanks, I guess, but there has to be something we can do for the wolves."

"I don't think we need to," Rebekah inputs. "I don't think he intends for the curse to stick, that's why he only put it on Hayley."

"What makes you so sure?" Marcel asks, giving her a loving look, happy that his Rebekah is back.

Rebekah smiles at him lovingly before turning her smile to her best friend. "Because Nik is planning his revenge around Jessica. He knows that she is the one person who would never doubt him no matter how damning the evidence."

"She's right," Kol agrees. "Think about it, he told Cami that Jessica would know how he brought Meredith back. He never expected her to believe she lost her sister and he knows that she's more powerful than even Dahlia. If they have Hope, he's going to need someone to get her so she isn't by herself when he daggers himself-"

"And Dahlia would be sure to do a blocking spell and those are hard to fight no matter how powerful you are," Freya cuts him off, looking at the brunette who she hadn't really trusted but knew was the only reason Klaus ever trusted her. "So how do you plan to find them?" She questions. "Maybe with four witches we might have a chance-"

"First off, there are five witches and we can't do a locator spell. If we fight the blocking spell, even if we succeed, it will drain us all and we can't chance that when we go against Dahlia," Jessica insists.

"Then how do you propose we find him without a locator spell?" Freya queries snarkily.

"We don't need one because I know exactly where Nik is. Pale River Orchard."

Freya looks at her shocked. "How can you be so sure?"

"Because Nik may be able to convince Dahlia to link them but she'll take him to somewhere that magic is so strong that nobody will be able to detect it, but the only places that those exist are places where nature is so pure it generates magic, meaning I can feel the magic she is doing. The spell is almost complete so we need to get there so Hope isn't left alone for too long."

She shares a look with Kol, who nods and speeds her away to the orchard. They arrive just in time to see Klaus facing them while Dahlia faces him. He smiles at Jessica over Dahlia's shoulder before turning to his aunt. "Well... perhaps one more nap." Even though she is turned around, Jessica and Kol can sense her confusion as Klaus speeds the dagger from his jacket and stabs himself in the heart.

Jessica turns away, not wanting to see him like that, and as soon as she is sure he's done, she walks to find the car where Hope is waiting. Jessica can hear her crying and speeds towards her, taking her out of her car seat and into her arms as Kol approaches with Klaus thrown over his shoulder while he drags Dahlia by her ankle. "By God, that's a small trunk. However will we fit these two trouble makers in it?" He jokes while Jessica shakes her head at him.

"Just put them in, you know the trunk is big enough," she scolds while he shrugs his shoulders the best he can with Klaus on one.

"I personally don't think the car is big enough to hold Klaus' ego along with anything else. Maybe it's best we just leave him here." Jessica gives him a look and he chuckles as he throws Dahlia into the trunk before carefully laying his brother next to her. "I can't believe he would willingly allow himself to be daggered. I haven't seen the brother so willing to sacrifice himself for anyone else since we were human. I can't tell if it is you or Hope bringing this out, but I'm happy that my big brother is finally coming back to me," he says seriously and Jessica places Hope back in her car seat, as she is fast asleep, before hugging Kol.

"I like this side of you that Davina is seeming to bring out. It's been far too long since I've seen the little boy watching his beloved brother in awe, wishing to be just like him. The mischievous boy who was always being yelled at by Mikael for flirting with girls he viewed to be beneath him but who was always willing to host a distraction so Klaus could escape Mikael's wrath."

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