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(Lou belongs to Palettepainter101)

This wasn't what she intended on doing when Lou said she didn't have to work for the next two months, but his definition of 'not working' was to sit around and go through seemingly endless paperwork.

All under supervision of course.

Usually by Cyber or himself as he usually says, "There are many who'd be willing to hurt you to get me and on top of it you are pregnant and would be considered gold on the market."

It was all rather frustrating to say the least. She wasn't a child but he acted like she needed to be watched like one. Maybe it was her own fault. But she only snuck out once with Rouge for a breather, and she wasn't alone. Still, within an hour she was dragged home by Cyber and made to stay in bed for the rest of the day. She still has no idea how she found her so fast. Blame her computer brain.

As Cyber put it, "He had like the most hot headed tantrum on a sugar rush and caffeine high when you went m.i.a."

Papaerwork and Killjoy's show could only go so far-

"I've been sitting here forever. At least let me go walk around." Her purple eyes narrowed at the demon from the bed they shared.

"You dug your grave when you snuck out. So I'm afraid you have lost those luxories, Pet......Have you seen my spare hat?," he asked with his back towards her.

"In the closet on the top shelf. You really need to stop destroying things when you're angry, Lou."

"When hell freezes over. Then I might consider doing it. Until then-" He said while walking over to the closet in the corner. "-you are still under house arrest for that little stunt you pulled."


He watched over his shoulder amused as his wife flopped back onto the bed and pouted before pulling the door open and sticking his head in.

"Im pregnant. Not handicapped. You're driving me nuts with all these first time daddy issues."

He chuckled and a moment later he pulled out wearing the new hat. "Do you not think I should take precautions to protect my wife and unborn children?"

"I think you're going a little too far," she answered still pouting and staring at the ceiling, "You did this to me."

"Oh? I didn't hear you complaining.~ When was it? Valentine's Day-" He easily caught the pillow thrown at him.

"S-Shut up! Just...UGH!!" The red faced unicorn grabbed another pillow and threw it at him, which he easily caught again. "How would YOU like it if I put two kids in you along with just sitting around all day?!"

"I don't think you would, but it's for your own good- What are you doing?"

Instead of answering, she swung her legs off the bed and slowly stood up. He watched with an amused look as she came towards him. She gave him a look and attempted to do towards the door-


He chuckled when he effortlessly pulled her back with his vine like tail and placed the pouting lady in front of him.

"Amalfia, my dear.~" She glared at his sweet tone. Reaching a claw out, he tapped her nose. "You haven't answered my question."

"Just because I'm being watched doesn't mean I can't get something to eat." For a point she placed a hand on her stomach. "Your children want it. It's a NEED, Lou."

He chuckled again but nodded. "Very well. But I'll be making sure you don't wonder off like last time."

She crossed her arms but sighed. "Fine, but put the pillows back first. You made me throw them."

She mumbled something but stayed put when he got up from leaning against the dresser and grabbed the previously thrown pillows. It would be a bad idea anyways. Even if she wasn't expecting, he'd be able to catch her easily if she tried anything like that again. And she very well knew it. What he failed to see what her nose twitching and her attention slowly go to the filled coffee mug left on the dresser. Her eyes widened-

"Alright. They're back." He had (dumped) placed them back and spun on his heels. "Now maybe we can-"

He stopped and stared directly at the cup in her hands. By now it must've been nearly empty by now and she was still going- A sudden force ripped the mug from her and it went flying across the room and shattered against the wall. She stood there stunned and before she could react something grabbed her shoulders and spun her around to face him.

"How much of that did you drink?!"


"Are you mad?!" His expression became slightly more panicked as he looked down at her stomach. "You just drank weed killer!"

....She blinked, "Yes. But you drink it-"

"That's not the point! The children are most likely going to be genetically plantwise! That could harm them!"

The actual slightly scared expression on his face could've been funny if it was a different situation, but it only made her feel pity. In an attempt to calm him, she reached up and grabbed his cheeks to make him look at her.

"Lou. The children are going to be fine."

"....And how can you be so sure?"

She giggled. "Because I've drank it before and nothing bad has happened." She could see the wheels turning in his head and when he opened his mouth, she cut him off. "Cyber confirmed a long time ago that it was safe to drink and if they're anything like you...It'll most likely calm them down instead of hurting them."

He stared at her for a moment, but the wild expression died down and a more relaxed one showed up. "You didn't think to tell me this before?"

"I thought she would've told you. Hmhm. But it's nice to know you care-"

She squeaked when she was suddenly trapped within his grip and his face nuzzled the side of her face face with a small growl. Making her explode pink.

"I think you earned yourself more trouble, Pet.~" He smirked more at her shiver and chuckled. "Maybe I'd ought to-"

"Lou. If you don't get me food RIGHT. NOW. I'll weed wack your 'little tree'."

"....O-Of course, dear."

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