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Vaggie and Angel belongs to Vivziepop)

-Second half to the other fic I did with Angel-Cake and Vaggie, takes place a few weeks after that-

The night had been pretty stressful with the nightmares and screams from the nursery wing of the hotel, in fact...Almost every night was. She couldn't remember the last time she got a good night sleep before all these things started happening. All she could remember were eyes.....

Eyes floating on moth wings above her baby. Her baby shouting 'Mama'. 'MAMA!'....Over and over again. And all she could do was wake her up and chase away the eyes until the next night. She lost count how many times she broke down and shouted and tried to rip apart the own eyes that made her miserable. She deserved every horrible look they gave her. Every hateful scary emotion in their pupils. Every bad dream they caused. But they had no right to her child.

But she couldn't stop it. Her daughter's eyes weren't hers. She couldn't make them stop their horrible torment on her. And every little bit of that reality made her a terrible mother. ....She wasn't the only one feeling the strain however. Her father has been strained along with their family. But it was ok...The nightmares were starting to get less frequent. They managed to sleep again. And things were slowly starting to get better....


"Vaggie!" The voice made her jump and spin around to the angry male stomping his way down the hallway towards him. "Where is she!? I could hear her screaming through the phone Charlie was manhandlin'!!"

"Would you shut up." She wasn't in the mood to deal with this. Not now. She was too tired. And not after putting her baby back to sleep. ''She's asleep. What are you even dong here? I thought you were 'going on tour'?"

"I WAS, but when I hear MY KID screaming her head off for her mommy, then I make it my job to come tour back home! I want to see her now!" Luckily he didn't try to make a move to push past her like he did previous times. It was literal hell to get their toddler to sleep again. But that didn't stop the angry spider from glaring at her....Did he seem more cranky than usual-? Nah! She was probably too tired.

She sighed and tried to keep standing up. "Charlie didn't have to call you...She knows I c-can do this. And Al's been working on that spell to make it all go away anyways. It's just another bad dream."

The spider demon suddenly gave a look of utterly tired shock....before confusion. "What a minute. She..didn't tell you? I thought they were here when she called me."

He could remember how tired he was when he had finished his ....uh...'performance' for the night and needed some sleep. But then his phone rang. Usually he would've just ignored it, but the number displayed was the Happy Hotel, and the first thing that crossed his mind was the nightmares his wittle angel was being subdued to the many times he'd have to been called at work to come talk to the little girl that refused to stop crying unless she heard the voice of both her parents. Instead what he got was a frantic Charlie and-Molly? Why was she there?- telling him he needed to come home. He needed to come home RIGHT NOW. It took almost a whole hour of incoherent screaming from the girls and him having to ask them to repeat themselves and slow down.

''Wait. Wha-....What about Pop?.....S-Slow down. I-I can't hear yous guys......Look. I'm tired as f*ck. If Molly's in trouble, keep 'er in my room and I'll be there first thing in the mor-....Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait. What did Charlie say about Angie?....One at a time. I can't understand you both at ounce..............Pops wants to WHAT?!?!"

He left and came straight home via emergency fast taxi (*cough* and a quick cash grab*cough*). He wouldn't loose another child to them. Not like this and ESPECIALLY not right now. The screams he heard before hanging up fueling his fear.

"What are you talking about? It's been just me and OUR DAUGHTER for the past few hours." She gave him a look. "Who did you p*ss off this time? You know what started this whole mess in the first place!"

"I didn't p*ss off anyone!" He quickly screamed at her. "Molly warned me about 'em!"

"Warned about who?!'' She could slowly feel her infamous temper start to kick in. ''Who's following your horny a$$ THIS TIME?!"

"My dad!" She froze but he kept going and fling his four arms around her gripping her as he shouted at her. "And my brother! Vaggie....." He licked his lips and looked down. He couldn't look her in the eye for the next part. "Vaggie they.." A sound like a choking gag came from his throat. "Vaggie they want her. They want her and I thought they were here already."

She could see the fear from his coming out in repressed tears that made what leftover makeup he had on run down his face like hell's black rain. His tired body was shaking but she didn't know if it was from the lack of sleep they both endured or stress from the panic and fear that must've been surging through him up to this point. Maybe both for all she knew. It took her a moment for her to react. Dropping the story book about fluffy bunnies her daughter loved to listen too, and grabbing his cheeks to make her look at her.

"What the f*ck do you mean they want her?!" She shook him. "What could they possibly want her for?!''

Then, the great and confident Angel Dust, second generation mafia and feared killer....Broke down. Pink tears mixed with black mascara ran down his cheeks as more chokes found their way out.

"I-I don't know...''

"What are we gonna do?!" Panic set in. She had SEEN the many wars these gangs had caused and the death and decay that came with it. There was no way a toddler that didn't even know what a cuss word was would survive that if those idiots decided to take her out there. She shook him again."Angel, look at me! What's are they gonna do?!"

"I-I-I d-don't...*gulp* know."

"Well! What are you gonna do about it!?"

"I DON'T F*CKING KNOW!! OK?!" He glared up at her with red anger burning in those cotton candy pink eyes. "YOU THINK I CAN TRACK THEIR EVERYTHING SINGLE F*CKING MOVE BECAUSE WE'RE F*CKING RELATED!?" He stood back up easily getting out of her grip with his taller height. "YOU DON'T THINK I'M SCARED!!......I'm scared Vags! I don't know what to think, ok?!" He tried and failed to wipe away the mess on his face. "Y-You don't think I'm not scared of the same thing happening all over again.....I don't want that...O-Ok?"

The two of them stood there heavily panting and slowly coming down from their anger high, and stood there in awkward scared silence.

"....W-What are we supposed to do?"

"He shook his head. "I don't know. But I do know one f*cking thing." The dangerous murder glint returned in his eyes. "I am NOT gonna lose another one, Vaggie. N-Not to them. Not like.....her. They'll get her when I'm dead six feet in the ground! D*mmit!"

She gave another sigh. "Angel...You ARE dead. And you're probably already buried somewhere in the dirt."

"You know what I mean. I don't know what I'll do...but I'm not letting this happen."


Both flinched and looked down the hall. A sickly pink door was opened and in the doorway stood their small sixed armed baby girl. The poor girl looked just as tired as they were with a little teddy pig in her arms. She stared tiredly and confused at her parents, but even more confused at her father. Wasn't her daddy on a trip?

"Why are you yelling at Mama? Did she do something bad?"

"Wha-? No, no! Sweetie pie. Cupcake." He smiled tiredly and shuffled around the moth demon and with a few long strides came up to her. She was easily scooped up into his arms and pressed against his soft body in an iron grip. "Mama's just tired and doesn't want to go to bed." Vaggie scowled behind them but their daughter giggled. "How about Daddy reads you Fluffy Bunny and the Turtle again? Hmm. Would you like that?"

"Yay!" The toddler bounced in his arms and perked up at the thought of her favorite story again. "Can I have ice cream for breakfast?"

''Yes." Angel said cutting her mother off. "Mama and Daddy's gonna stick close to ya for a while and spend more time with ya. Would you like that?"


Angel gave her a kiss on the cheek before ducking his head to fit into the child's bedroom. Vaggie stood there staring at where they disappeared into before slowly looking back to where they story book was previously dropped. Bending over to take it in her hands ounce again-

"MAMA!! The story!"

She slowly smiled and began walking towards the room. Yeah. Things would go back to normal eventually.

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