You're My Daughter Too

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Mimzy and Alastor belongs to Vivziepop.)

What was a mother? She had heard many definitions of the word by the time she was just a couple years old. Some said it was the one who birthed you or gave you life. Sometimes it was a silly woman at the orphanage who signed those silly legal papers. Some even said it was the person who raised you. In that case a mother could be your aunt, sister, grandmother, cousin, friend, stranger.... But it could also mean your father or another male could be your mother. Anyone could be labeled as a mother, father, guardian,....Parent. But sometimes a mother was simply the woman who married your father.

But she didn't trust this woman...

Oh yes. This plump little woman may have been older but she was truly the more powerful of the two. The blood of Kaycee and The Radio Demon flowed through her every being, her brain twisted but not broken. She was obviously the better one of the two in everyway.....Then WHY in all of Hell's nine circles would her father choose to cling himself to this sorry excuse of a mate? She had no powers, their same interests were very little in her eyes, and she obviously held no true status beyond her well off voice. Yet he coddled and fonded over her like he would her, but in a more spouse way. Anyone would fall for her father, and who could blame them? He was powerful beyond any mere mortal soul, tyrantical. And a loving father behind closed doors. For a long time Alastor had been her everything. Her father. Her mother. Her whole home and world. She never even laid eyes on her true birther. But oh well. He always said to smile through it all. She was going to be the next tyrant of hell alongside him. They would do a many wonderous things....

But that dream all but crashed the day he met...Mimzy. The woman who broke into her father's emotions and made him swoon over her. Like a love struck gentlemen straight from church. She would never stoop for someone so low like her. Then why did he? She couldn't understand it. Maybe it was because she was still young, not even ten years old yet. But this woman was turning her world against her. It got worse when he fathered two others like her. Not as powerful or perfect as her but just as twisted minded. Then all came crumbling down. Stories, lullibies, toys all for them. These two little deer that she shared half blood with...she didn't mind of course. She took care of one other also of her father's blood. Hannibal fit in with her. She wouldn't have minded these two.....If they didn't resemble her. The female was blonde and the male had her disgustingly pink eyes.....But they were still part of her.

SHE WAS STEALING HER WORLD. SHE WAS TRYING TO MAKE HER PART OF IT THROUGH THIS. IT WOULDN'T HAPPEN IF SHE DID SOMETHING. Killing wasn't an option. Despite seeing her father hunt, she still was too young for her mind to take a death by her hands. And he'd know who it was soon. Blackmail neither. She knew nothing that her father didn't like about this woman. Perhaps fake evidence? Hmmm.

"Queeny, Sweetheart. Have you been digging through the dirty laundry again?"

There it was. That sickly pink eyes insect with that sweet tone her father used with her. Why she bothered trying to confuse her was beyond her.

She gave a chuckle at the sight of her wearing one of her father's oversized shirts. Queeny usually got anxious when Alastor went on one of his trips for days on end. And the nervous fawn would cling to something with his scent on it. It helped calm her knowing his scent was on her. Not many demons would dare try anything sending his scent to her. Usually it was an old shirt, but she looked absolutely adorable watching the toddler scamper around and sometimes falling over the big shirt when Mimzy tried to catch her.

"You know you're not supposed to wear dirty shirts."

"Father's dominant scent keeps me safe. It's this natural thing called survival of the fittest.~.....It's the reason he puts his scent on you." She said the last part with an undertone, but it didn't sound threatening with her little squeaky voice.

She chuckled and walked her way over towards her, "But that's shirt's dirty. Come on. It's nap time anyways."

"I have no need for those I'm afraid. I can be awake for weeks on end."

"I don't doubt that, but you're 'awake' needs a break now. Come on."

"No. I have no desire to."

That didn't stop this woman from walking towards her. Amused smile and heels clicking.


She quickly turned and bolted down the hallways like she did many times before. Her fawn legs easily giving her more speed, but unfortunately her father's oversized shirt making her stumble over half her steps and instead of a run, she ended up quickly stumbling about like a newborn fawn. Her father's mate didn't even have to run to be right behind her. Her amused smile never faded as the just casually walked behind the toddler waiting for her to just tire out or finally tip over like she usually did....But her smile quickly turned to a frown ounce she looked up.

"Queeny, stop. Come here."

"You are not my mother! Lady I am not leaving my safe haven for the likes of my you!" Who did this woman come off as thinking she could order her around. She was not leaving the only thing possibly keeping her safe without her father's presence. She continued to stumbled blinded by the shirt and the hair constantly floating around her face.

"Queeny, I'm not kidding! Come here now!," she shouted voice panicking.

"I want my fathe-"

The world went around and a pain suddenly coursed through her left side. Followed by another hard blow to her head the second flip....and then something soft and firm gripping her and holding her up.

"Why don't you listen to me?!" Mimzy quickly lifted the small fawn from mid air above the third step of the stair case up and into her arms. The small child stared up patheticly at nothing in particular. " You could've gotten hurt! What's wrong with you?! Don't you know to listen when I tell you-?"

"I WANT FAtheR!!," she shouted in a distorted voice, "I W-WA-..NT FaTHEr NoW!!"

The light above the stairs flicked above them as the child continued her tantrum in her arms. When Mimzy turned her around to scold the child, she nearly dropped her at seeing the red dripping from under her eyes. At first she thought the worst and somehow she hurt both of her eyes, but is became clear that she was just crying when those black n' yellow eyes opened to stare at her.

"I want Father!"

"Alastor's not here right now.....You need to listen to someone he knows is going to take care of you," she said in a much more soft but firm voice, "Don't you think he'd want me to keep you safe?"

"Father's scent keeps me safe! You're trying to take it from me!'' Well at least her voice went back to it's regular radio-ized self. "I'm not weak! I will not submit to you!"

Mimzy stared at the little girl in her hands with a new realization. "Is that what this is all about? Oh, dear." She was hoisted against the plump woman's shoulder and taken back up up hallway they started from. They didn't even go that far. Strange how far you think you go when you can't see where you're going. She really didn't have any other choice but to stay huddled against her shoulder as Mimzy carried her back towards the entrance way to her bedroom. Kicking it open with her foot before walking in. The child still sniffed but leaned back to look at her ounce she sat down on the bed. Her younger siblings were still sleeping in the corner of the sared nursery. How ironic. She was placed down on the soft bed and looked up at the taller demon. "There. You look tired."

Queeny sniffed and reached one of her father's oversized sleeves to rub at her dripping face. "I-I'm not."

"You wanna hear a story?"

".....What kind?"

Mimzy smiled while reaching over to carefully grab her blanket and pull it towards them. "Well. There's a King of Deer-

"Like Father?"

"Mmm hmm." The blanket was pulled over the child as she continued to stare up at her. "And he had a little girl, and this kind fell in love with a human."

"A human? Why would a majestic creature like him fall for a mere human?''

"Hmm. I don't know. Love is a strange thing." She got up from the bed and made to turn around-

"Where are you going?"

"Oh? I thought you weren't tired. You don't need a bedtime story if you're not tired."

"I suppose a nap wouldn't be a bad thing."

She smiled and sat back down on the bed when Queeny laid down on the giant pillow. "Tell me how this Deer King fell for the human. It doesn't seem logical."

Her smile got wider. "Well. Once there was a Deer King, and his little girl. And one day humans came into the forest without them knowing-"


"-and so while she was never the true mama to the little fawn, she learnt that you should learn to accept love for what it was and not try to intervene when you know someone's happiness is gonna be shattered." The child lazily blinked her eyes up at her while battling the sand man it seemed. Mimzy smiled and rolled up the dirty shirt she managed to slip off her and stood up from the bed. "...Did you like the story?"

"....Mmmm. Ok." Her mouth stretched far in a yawn showing off chompers that clearly resembled Alastor's. "It'"

She smiled and began walking towards the door. "Good. Now go to bed. It's late-"

"Goodnight, Mama-"

She froze. "What did you-?" Queeny was already asleep by the time she turned around. After a few minutes of standing there, she turned back around and went back out of the door.

"MMMIMZY!!" The louder than life voice scared her as the taller figure quickly approached her from up the hallway. Smiling from ear to ear. "Mimzy, my darling, I just came back from the picture show debate and thought I would surprise you!"

"Oh...Oh, what a surprise."

"Mimzy...You're crying." He narrowed his eyes as he spotted the pink liquid running down her cheeks. ''Did something happen while I was gone?"

....She shook her head and smiled. "No. Nothing a mother couldn't handle."

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