Chapter 12- Why Me?

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I cried. I cried right there. In front of everyone. Exposing my vulnerability. 'I'm weak. Im pathetic. I'm useless. I can't do anything right. I wish I died already. Why wasn't I dead. I was supposed to die at 5, but didn't how stupid.'

I'm just sitting here, head in my stupid hands. Tears falling down onto the ground. 'No one cares. No one needs me. Why did I even come back? What was the point? I should've just stayed home. Levi hates me. Eren--- I don't even know. He seems to love Mikasa. Her and Armin are his world. I'm no one's world, I don't have a family. I don't have friends. But I guess that's always how I lived. Alone in isolation. Maybe I should get used to it.'

I pulled out the knife from my satchel, gripping it tightly in my hand. Slowly moving towards my wrist. Then making one long slice, cutting deep into my skin. Blood started to pour out. Falling onto the ground. It was endless, forever ongoing. My skin would try to heal up, but I would just cut it again. I needed to feel pain. It made me feel real. Like I wasn't some monster. But with the sight of infinite black blood. I truly was a monster. I was worse than Titans. My tears just kept falling, my blood pouring. I couldn't hear the screams of everyone around me. Everyone was yelling but I couldn't hear a thing. I felt someone shaking me, trying to grab my knife. I didn't move, not paying attention to anything. I felt someone slap my face, hit the back of my head, even pinch my arm. I stayed solid. 'If I bleed long enough. I can die. I will bleed forever just to die.' 

Then I felt arms wrap around my waist and a chin on my shoulder. I felt hot breath against my neck, it gave me chills.

"Please stop this Y/N, I can't handle seeing you like this. Please, snap out of it." I heard a voice whisper into my ear. It was low, but sweet sounding. I froze instantly, I dropped my knife and looked to see who was talking to me. It was Levi. 'This stupid guy. Can he read right through me?' I turned around, wrapping my arms around him. I buried my face in his chest and just cried. My skin had fully healed already, so I was no longer bleeding. And eventually my tears stopped.

Still buried in his chest, I just whispered. "I'm sorry." Then I let go, stood up, and ran out of the building.

Levi POV:

She told me she hated me. She hates me. I just wanted to protect her, but she ran off with those stupid brats. But she came back, and I can't even tell her to leave. She has too much power over me. She lifted her leg and started to walk off but Armin grabbed her shoulder. Her knees buckled and she fell to the ground. Then there was something I didn't think would happen. She cried, but not just cried, she exploded with tears. They didn't stop. She was muttering to herself, but I couldn't hear what she was saying. Then she took out her knife and made a deep slit on her wrist. The blood started to pour. She was still crying, but not even from the wound. Everyone tried to stop her, but it was like she was in a trance. 'What do I do. She is going to die.' I walked over to her, crouched down and hugged her from behind. I rested my chin in her shoulder, whispering "Please stop this Y/N, I can't handle seeing you like this. Please, snap out of it." into her ear. 'This wasn't something I would ever do in front of my team. But it was for Y/N, it didn't matter if I had a soft spot for her. I really truly cared about her. Some people called it love, but I was still unsure. She dropped the knife then turned around and hugged me. After a little she stopped crying. She said "I'm sorry." then got up and left. She just ran away. I let her leave, why did I let her leave? I wanted her to stay. But I couldn't say that. I couldn't tell her, no one could know.

~ mini time skip ~

Your POV:

I ran for a while, until I got tired. I ran out into an open field. I didn't know where I was. I don't even think I was in Trost anymore. I don't know anything. There was this old church. It looked abandoned. I went inside. 'Maybe I'll stay here for a little. At least until morning.' I sat down against the wall and slowly drifted to sleep. 

~ mini time skip ~

I woke up, but I couldn't move. My wrists were chained against a wall. My legs being chained as well. There was a guard around my mouth. I looked around, I seemed to be in some sort of cavern. But it was like gleaming glass or ice. The material was hard, not slippery. A little translucent but more reflective. There was a cliff type thing, a point that jutted out with stairs coming from both sides. I was against the wall, looking out to the peak. Someone was there. I saw them from behind, but I could tell who it was. It was Eren. I couldn't speak cause of the guard. But I broke it in seconds using my jaw. Then breaking the chains holding my wrists and legs. 

"Eren!!" I yelled, running out to him. I ran out, then turned to face him.

"Y/N, when did you get here?" He asked, startled.

"Probably only a couple hours ago. When I woke I was chained to the wall behind you." I said. Then I took off my jacket and draped it over his shoulder. "Why did they have to take your shirt, don't they know what common courtesy is?" I joked. Eren just chuckled, making me blush.

"I don't know, I think I look pretty good without a shirt." He replied.

"That's not what I meant. Plus Mikasa would kill me, so I'm more like protecting myself right now."

"Y/N, why are you here? I thought you left." Eren said, his face dropping.

"They didn't have what I wanted. I needed information, and they didn't have it. So I'm back, I heard you were in trouble. But now I'm in trouble too." I said. Then grabbing around the cuffs holding back Eren, but they were stronger than mine. 

"I missed you." He mumbled. 

"Eren, don't do that. You have Mikasa and Armin."

"But I need you."

"I will say it again, you don't need me. End of discussion, don't say anything else or I will slap you." I said. I couldn't get his chains undone. But then someone else came.

"Ah Y/N, you're free. I knew those chains couldn't hold our little Dark Angel." I turned to see Rod Reiss.

"Don't call me that you bastard!" I yelled, I jumped down then I started to run toward him but someone got in the way. It was Historia. "Historia move!" But she didn't, I stopped right in front of her. "What are you doing!" I yelled, but then I felt someone restraining me from behind, then it all went black.

~ End of Chapter 12 ~

1248 words

Walls Are Meant To Be Broken (AOT × Reader) (On Hold + Under Editing)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora