Past Experiences

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Warning: Some mentioning of blood, cursing, and some violence.

The screams of the man could still be heard ringing in her ears. No matter how hard she tried to block it out. Her only comfort was the being that had wedged herself between child and man.

"Just what the F*CK did you think you were doing, huh?!"

The man in her grasp tried to move, but stopped when she jerked him sideways into the wall with a sickening crack. Her grip on his shirt got tighter as her already high temper began to boil over to dangerous levels.

"Don't you f*cking touch her you disgusting a$$hole?!"

Another slame. Another sickening crack.

"I outta end you right here! RIGHT NOW!!"

The man was squirming in her hold now and mumbled out of the muzzle on his face...Which didn't do much justice in his position with the angry she-demon. The more she yelled the more he seemed to shrink under the angry woman's rage.


Five of the six arms timidly pulled at the angry woman's dress. A small throb emanated from the leg she held in her hand. The copper smelling liquid was starting to become scarier and more worrisome by the second. Normally she wasn't the type of child to cry or throw a tantrum, but this was an exception. Black tears started flowing and she pulled harder on the woman's dress as she was now having an argument with the man. It seemed like an eternity with her wailing and pulling on the woman calling for her. The tears and(now running) mascara clouding her vision.

"Mama, you're scaring me!!" Her chokes and Hiccups got worse. "I want my mama....''

She nearly fell from her good leg when the woman forcefully turned around and snatched her from the ground and into her arms. Shooting the man a dangerous glare. One that could put her Uncle Alastor to shame. The glare steeled as she felt her child clench around her body. Burying her face into her shoulder.

"If ANY of you come near her again, you'll get more than just a beating," she growled in a slow and threatening voice.

The trip home was a blur as all she could really remember was her mother death gripping her and glaring at anyone who dared to stare at them.

"Wha-..What happened?"

That and any other question asked had been ignored in favor of getting the child cleaned up and into better clothes. She ignored anyone's looks and questions until someone literally yanked her child away with one pair of arms and gripped her shoulders with another.

"Vaggie! What the H*LL happened?!"

"You f*cking tell me?!" He was shoved back and pointed at. "It was was one of YOUR crazy fans that ordered the hit on her first class!!"

"Are you sayin' this is MY fault?!," her father challenged leaning down.

"If the d*ck fits-!"


The two were eventually shoved apart and made to go cool of by Auntie Charlie thankfully. But she didn't stop crying until the two made up and Vaggie resumed holding her.

"Mama.....I'm scared."

She shushed her and pulled her closer against herself. The child whined and buried herself further into her mother's grip.

"I know. So am I."

The Hazbin Gang-Vivziepop


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