The Beginning ch1

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December 9th 1980

That day should've been a normal day. But for a certain man, it was anything but.

John Lennon. You may know him. He was one of the most famous people on earth for many years,  though fame was never the best thing for him. He was best known for being part of the Beatles. Though his Beatles days were long behind him, his days were often filled with 'what ifs' of those days.

Our story begins with him and his wife, Yoko Ono, coming home from the studio to go see their son, Sean. He had turned five a few months ago and he was very excited to do more things with him. He couldn't be there for Julian, but at least he could be there for Sean.

John had a lot on his mind besides just seeing his son. His brain had been a pile of muck for the past few months and he wanted to get his head back into the game. He started to lose focus more often and started day dreaming on the regular.

John remembered the day he met Yoko. He went to some stupid art show and met her after checking out her exhibit. At first, he thought that she was an angel. It was refreshing. He had a strong woman who was very different from Cynthia. Not saying she wasn't strong, but John was blind to her strength. He never realized how good she was for him until it was too late.

He had fallen out of love with yoko recently. At this point in their relationship, they barely talked to each other. John wouldn't even be surprised if she wanted a divorce in the next few months. He missed his old life. No birds to worry about, just drinking and smoking with his friends. The pure Rock n' roll experience...

He had thought about it for a while and decided he wanted to call the lads once he got home. He hadn't heard from Paul in a few months and he was excited to talk to those who he hadn't seen in years.

He was lost in thought for too long. He wasn't aware of his surroundings anymore. The hair on his neck stood straight up. He could feel something was wrong.

He stopped. Four loud bangs. Thats all he needed to be thrown out of his thoughts.

It was almost like he fell into a dream. You couldn't even describe what it was like. It was... beautiful and peaceful. It was something that John hadn't felt in a long time, thought the feeling didn't last very long. Nothing good lasts forever.

He was taken out of the dreamscape with harsh bright lights that could make the brightest of stars shine with envy, and the familiar sound of the taxi cab honking on the adjacent streets.

He opened his eyes to find he was sitting against his apartment building. Sore and alone, he got up with some objections from his shoulder.

"Fuckin' hell... what was all of that about might I ask?" John muttered to himself as he walked closer to the doors with obvious confusion on his face.

Thought he might've been in a familiar place, he was confused about his surroundings.

As he walked the twenty feet to the doors, he noticed how the cars had suddenly changed throughout the night. They were... futuristic, bigger and way shinier than he remembered.

'I don't remember getting drunk last night... if I'm being honest I don't remember anything...' he thought to himself.

He walked through the doors (which strangely had no guards posted outside) and again realized that things were slightly different  thought he couldn't exactly put his finger on it...

There was an unfamiliar man sitting at the front desk. The man was typing away on some futuristic looking thing that definitely confused John even more. The man sittint there wasnot expecting anyone to come in and jumped when he saw that someone had walked in.

"Hello sir, how may I help you?" The man, who he presumed was part of the new staff, asked. He was slightly confused since everyone who works here should know who he was.

"Do you live here?" The man asked with a polite, customer service smile. He had dark hair sticking out of a red hat. It had been getting cold anyways.

"I do. Apartment 46" John replied.

"I'm sorry but you seem to be mistaken. Yoko Ono currently lives there"

John was getting impatient.

"Yes I know. She's my wife, we live together!"

The man stared at him confused. "I-I wasn't aware of Ms Ono remarrying..." He stuttered out, obviously not prepared to hear his response.

If John wasn't confused before, he certainly was now.

He sighed and rolled his eyes before speaking up with an impatient tone of voice.

"Just let me up into my apartment!"

He tried to walk over to the elevator but was stopped by a burly man, at least 6'4 with light brown hair. He was much bigger than John and he didn't want to take any chances so he backed away slightly before he remembered that he was John Lennon! He could do what he wanted!

"Sir, are you going to leave or are we gonna have a problem?" The tall man said

"The hell we are! I'm John Lennon and this is the kind of welcome I get to my own apartment?!"

This apparently was not the best thing to say as he was immediately picked up by the shirt and scowled at the the people who were there.

"Is this some type of sick joke! Get out of my building this instant!" The man at the counter spoke.

John didn't have time to react before he was being thrown out of the building.

As he sat staring at the doors on his sore arse, he had only one thought going through his mind.

What the fuck was that?



Hello everyone! This is the updated version of my story so thats why things are so different! Thanks for all your help giving me that final push to remake this into something way better (hopefully)

On that note, how are you liking the changes? Are they better or should I go back and change it again?

Either way goodnight!

1064 words

Peace and love, Andrew 🤌

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