Mirror Image

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Time for exams have gone....

Now its time for results,

Time to see mirror image of my hardwork,

Time for people to judge me,

For family to support me,

And for me to take my future steps..

Fear has occupied each cell of my body,

I am curious to see image of my hardwork....

I am exicted to see the reaction of my family,

But I am nervous to see that image...

A piece of paper will give right to people ...

Right to judge me,judge my hardwork,

Without knowing the real me or the hardwork done by me....

A piece of paper will decide my knowledge, my intelligence no matter what the reality is....

I don't care for  the comments passed by society,

But my family's comments is what matters to me,

Because they know who I am and what I have done for it...

They know what my dreams are...

They know what I have sacrified...

They know how determined, dedicated I was.....

Short Peom From A Lost SoulМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя