chapter 12 - Who was that again? Orph? Opree? Oppa and gangnam? Fck...

Start from the beginning

"No way that's too long. 20." she pouted.



"Call." I grinned. I think that's enough time to go to Bob and get the bike.

"Ok now close your eyes." she closed them slowly.

But then opened them again, "But what am I going to get in return?" she asked grinning.

I held my hand on my chin, "Hmm.. I'll treat you a take out."


I smiled, I knew she'd like food. I just wonder where she puts all that fat of hers? "Ok now close your eyes."

And she did, doubtly.

I paced quickly away from her and whispered to my wrist watch, "Get it ready NOW, please Bob, I don't have much time." 

"Copy." Big Bobby replied.

As I turn my back around and slowly starting to run towards Bob's car, and then I heard her yell.

Well of course she did...

"Oh my god... I think I felt something on my foot! HURRY UP CLARENZ, i'm so gonna KILL YOU!!"


Mel's POV:

"..10..9.. oh god, oh god, 7..6.. why did I let him leave me here all alone! 3..2..1!!!" I opened my eyes to look at what I felt earlier on my foot, I looked down on my shoe slowly. I mean, what if it's a rat, or a squirl, or worse, a snake! Oh no, please don't be poisonous, biting and ugly creature...

I gently lowered my head and saw,

A leaf. 

Whew, what a relief! I exhaled loudly. My heartbeat slowly went back to it's normal pace. 

"Clarenz, where the hell are you? I finished counti---" I wasn't able to finish my sentence as I looked up and saw clarenz riding a, a.. motorbike?

My jaw literally fell and my eyes bawled out of their sockets. "Wha--where did you get that?..." I stammered pointing at him riding in that green motorbike.

I saw him smirk at me making me feel so much idiot-er than I already feel.

"Didn't I tell you I got it under control?" he said, sounding amused at the look on my face.

O-okaay. This boy is unbelievable.

I cleared my throat getting a grip out of myself. "Care to explain?" I folded my arms across my chest.

He only smiled wider, showing those deep dimples of his, so cute!

"Atleast now you wouldn't worry about hiking in that woods and getting your shoes into a mess, right?" he shrugged his shoulders.

I shook my head in amusement. First I knew this kid has an Audi and an iphone 5 (by the way, was released just recently, but he got his way first among all), then the next thing I know he has this some sort of hiking bike?! 

"I can't believe you." I said smiling and hopping on the back of this bike.

He chuckled. "Things are always more fun when it's surprising."

My eyebrows knot in confusion as he said those. What did he mean by that? He's really a freaking mysterious guy! I want to know more, I want to ask, why do I feel he has a lot of secrets? I'm scared to ask maybe he would get mad if I get sneaky-peeky on him, so I'll just let it go for now, and enjoy the ride. For now. 

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