Wednesday 18th September

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Now where was I. (Tapping chin and trying to remember). Oh yes I remember now.

"Uhhh no thanks Mackenzie." Brandon turned her down like Brussels sprouts on a christmas dinner.

"What do you mean no?" She looked so anoyed.

"I mean no. And besides I already have a partener. It's Nikki," he looked at me and winked so she couldn't see.

"You have got to be kidding me, that dork. I'm supprised you even hang around with her Brandon,"'she walked past him and glared right at me with her beady little eyes like she was a snake about to kill her prey.

She sashayed away. I hate it when that girl sashays!

Anyway after that Brandon looked at me for what seemed like forever then he finally spoke.

"So is that cool if we work together?"

"Yes it's very cool,"

"So do you want to come round mine Thursday?"

"I would love to.... I mean sure that would be cool."

"So do you want to come round after school? When were done I can walk you home if you like?"

"Yeh that sounds like a plan."
He brushed his bangs out the way and gave me a crooked smile. I hate it when he does that to me, but in a good way hehe.

"Well I guess I'll see you tomorrow, bye Nikki,"


We both walked off in the opposite directions.

When I got home I screamed in happiness.

I could not believe what had happened. I'm still totally in shock that Brandon Roberts the hottest boy in the year asked me to work on a project with him.

I need to figure out what to wear. It has to be perfect. I now need to spend the rest of the day figuring out what to wear.

Right after I babysit Brianna for 4 hours! :(

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