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"Shit," I muttered once I had seen the time. It's 10am already. How long did I sleep? I glanced around the room to see no one else inside. I stepped outside his room to look for Nate.

He was in the kitchen, eating breakfast and staring at something. He looked so damn gorgeous with his messy hair. One other thing I hated about my best friend; he's too hot that sometimes I just can't help but drool like the other girls in school do whenever he passes them by. "Good morning," I greeted, entering the kitchen.

"Morning," he greeted back, still staring at that something. "I thought you'd never wake up."

I rolled my eyes at him, though I doubt he saw me. "Shut up," Still so early in the morning and he's already trying to get on my nerves. Why is he my best friend again?

Oh right. He's my best friend because he was there for me through everything that has happened in my life so far. Don't get me wrong, he's a really sweet kid but when highschool started, everything changed. He changed... and it wasn't the good kind of change. I plopped down on the chair beside him. "What are you stari--- OH GOD NATE. WHY ARE YOU LOOKING AT THAT?" I said, covering my eyes. He was flipping through pictures of nude girls, some I recognized were from our school. Seriously, ew.

"Calm down. It's not like I asked for them to send me this," he simply said. He set aside the pictures and looked at me.

"What is wrong with you? You're such a perv," I said, crossing my arms and furrowing my eyebrows.

"Nothing," he shrugged. "I was just browsing through some options.." he then let his head fall down to one side, his expression blank.

I tilted my head as well, trying to copy him. "Is your mom pressuring you to get a girlfriend again?"

"Of course she is. She always does," he replied. "And if I get a girlfriend, she should have at least a great body." he chuckled and then smirked at me again.

"Whatever. It's Sunday and you should enjoy yourself instead of looking for your Ms. Fake," I exclaimed with a weirdly enthusiastic feeling in my stomach. "Please just be normal for one day."

"Alright. But you're going to spend the day with me," he proposed, pulling me into his right arm and messing up my hair with his left hand.

For the first time in my life, I finally resigned, agreeing easily to his proposition. I missed spending time with Nate. We used to play around everyday when we were little. 


"One Caramel Macchiato please," I told the lady at the counter.

"You sure do love those things, don't you?" Nate chuckled, as we walked back to our table. 

"Of course. It's like, the best drink ever!"

"Yeah, yeah." he laughed, as we sat down. But before I could, he kissed me really quickly on the nose.

"Wha-? Hey, what did you that for?" I said, wiping my nose and sticking my tongue out at him.

"Nothing, you're just so cute," he said quietly. "I can't help it."

"Yeah right," I rolled my eyes but felt a faint blush on my cheeks. Like he said, I can't help it.

It wasn't long before the waiter arrived with our drinks. I squealed happily once I received mine and Nate rolled his eyes at my childishness. I popped in the straw and sipped my drink. It tasted like heaven. It was so good I couldn't help but let out a soft moan whenever I drink it.

I looked up at Nate and saw him staring at me, he was blushing.


"D-don't do that," he grumbled, trying to hide his cheeks. 

"What do you mean?" I smirked, knowing exactly what he meant. I took another sip from my drink and moaning extra loud just to annoy him.

"Stop it!" he blurted out, then let out a sigh. He reached out his hand and I knitted my eyebrows together in confusion. Then he flicked his finger on my forehead.

"Ow! Nate!" I groaned then slapped his hand away.

Long story short, once we had finished, we had a little flicking competition on the way to the mall. Once we had arrived, an old couple was exiting the mall and the woman was smiling at us.

"Young love," I heard her say.

Then we bursted in laughter, me and Nate. "Wha- haha- whaaat?" I shrieked.

"What?" Nate stopped, and looked at me, a puzzled expression on his face. "Wait. Why are we laughing?"

I stopped laughing as well. "Huh? I don't know."


"Let's just go inside," I smiled and dragged him in. We must have checked almost every store in the mall because the only place left for us to go to now is the bathroom. I sighed and plopped down on the mall bench.

"I'm tired, Nate." I yawned loudly. "Can we go home?"

"Yeah, but can you wait first?" he said, his eyes glancing over to a jewelry store we haven't entered. Guess we must have missed that one. "I'm going to check that store out."

"Sure," I smirked and nudged him. "I think I know what you're going to 'check out' over there, hm?" I said, referring to the pretty girl looking at the jewelry.

"Wha-" his eyes averted over the the girl I was talking about. "Oh, yeah sure." he murmured.

He entered the store but I didn't watch him. My attention was mainly focused on a couple making out intensely by the opposite bench and the only thing that was on my mind was; How could they do that in a public place? Don't they have shame or something?

After a few minutes, Nate approached me and he was holding a pink paper bag that had the logo of the jewelry store on it.

"What's tha-"

"Come on, let's go." he said, grabbing my hand and smiling like he hadn't just cut me off. What's wrong with him? We went outside to his car and I entered the passenger's seat. 

He revved the engine and started driving. I looked out the window and watched the trees and the houses as we passed by. I decided to count the houses since I had nothing better to do. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 , 6, 7....

"Your place?" he asked.

I shook my head and snapped back into reality. "Oh, uh yeah."
And we didn't talk much after that.


"Hey, why don't you stay for dinner?" I said once Nate and I had reached my apartment. 

"Yeah, sure." he nodded and we exited his car. We entered my apartment and I switched on the lights. I immediately went straight to the kitchen.

"What would you like?"

"Anything's fine," he replied, throwing his jacket and keys on the table. He sat down on the couch and turned on the TV.

I decided to cook ramen. Nate and I used to love eating ramen when we were little. He'd have some noodles hanging out of his mouth and I couldn't stop laughing at him. I started the fire and waited for it to boil. I rested on the counter and heard Nate mutter something about 'nothing good on TV' or something like that. I couldn't help but laugh. No matter how much of a man-whore he'd turned out to be, he was still the same old Nate I used to know. The kind-hearted, sweet and innocent little Nate next door. Okay, maybe not so much innocent anymore.

When I was done cooking I brought the food our to the living room and we decided to watch a movie while eating.

It was his turn to pick and he picked a horror movie. Great.
I hated horror movies.

The movie finished and it took about 2 hours, and I couldn't stop screaming and burrying myself into a pillow. Nate kept laughing at me the whole time. Gee, thanks. Nice to know I can count on you whenever I'm scared.

"Hey, it's 11pm. I better go," he said, standing up from the couch and grabbing his keys and jacket. 

"Yeah, great. You make me watch a scary movie then you're going to leave me alone to face the ghosts by myself? Love you, too best friend." I said sarcastically, crossing my arms. He rolled his eyes and kissed me on the forehead.

"I could stay if you want," he said, putting an arm around my shoulder as we walked to the door.

"Nah, I'll be fine." I said, opening the door for him. He let go of me and stepped outside. But before he left, he turned around and smiled at me. A genuine smile.

"Thanks for today, kiddo." he said, giving me a salute as a sort of goodbye.

I groaned internally and furrowed my eyebrows. "Don't call me that!"

"Yeah, yeah. Don't open your closet!" he warned with a smirk on his face, as he neared his car. 

"Hey!" I yelled at him, panic starting to flow through my veins. I was scared as hell.

He laughed again and entered his car. I watched him drive away. Guess I just won't change into my pajamas tonight. Don't want to be opening that closet.


I'm not giving up.

It frustrates me how easily she forgot our little make out session yesterday. Like it never even happened.

I'm gonna get her. If there's one thing that's going to help me get Claire, it's her. My own best friend.

No matter how much she's against it, I don't fucking care.

Claire Delamay, she's the one I want. And I just couldn't deny her little proposition.

"Claire," I said, giving her my best smile. "Let's hang out later. At my place."

"Hm, is that Alice girl going to be there?" she raised her eyebrows and flipped her blonde hair. Damn, she's hot.

"You mean Allison? No of course not."

"But isn't she your girlfriend?" she crossed her arms making me roll my eyes.

"No," I replied calmly, taking her by the waist and pulling her closer to me. "It's you who I want. I want you to be my girlfiend." 

I could see a small smile appear on her lips, but she quickly covered it up with a smirk. "So you don't have any feelings for her at all?"

"I don't." I reassured her.

"Then, prove it." she said, pushing me away. 

"Okay. How?"

"Have sex with her," she exclaimed, like it was the simplest thing in the world. "Then break her heart like you did to the rest. If you can't do that, then it means you like her."

"Easy," I smirked. All I had to do was have sex with Allison? Sure, why not? "Whatever it takes, babe."

And with that, she gave me a kiss on the cheek and walked away.

But if Allison wants to play hard to get...

Then game on, bitch. 


Woo! I finally found the time to update.
Sorry for the long wait. This month has been real busy for me!

But chapter 2 is here. I'll try to update more often, I promise :)
Bet you didn't expect Nate to be that evil did ya? Muhahaha


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