As soon as we reach an empty corridor, I whip around to face him.

"What the hell was that?"

"He touched you", Chan says stubbornly.

"That doesn't give you the right to frickiting tackle him", I whisper scream.

"He touched your ass. I did what I had to"

"What you had to? That's my friend. He's allowed to slap my ass. Friends do that as a joke!"

Chan winces, and I can tell he didn't think like that.


"I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me. I just saw you laughing together and him touching you, and well, the next thing I knew, the wolf came out."

I sigh.

"I'm sorry too. I know this is new for you and you can't control the wolffish side. But you'll get there, and if you want me to, I'll help, ok?"

"Ok", Chan says.


All throughout class, I can feel Chan's stare. It kind of creeps me out, to be honest, and I'm not the only one who notices.

"Dude, your sexy rich tutor who tackled me is staring again", my best friend whispers.

"I didn't notice."

My voice is dry and sarcastic, but he's not deterred.

"He's really fucking hot if you ask me. And when he pushed me down, I swear I could feel his six pack."

"I know he has abs"

Hyunjin's eyes widen.

"You actually banged a sick man? Jeongin! What if you get sick now?"

"I didn't fuck him! He was shirtless when I came in"

Hyunjin bites his lip to keep from laughing, but I can see the amusement dancing in his eyes.

"You poor gay. You must have had a heart attack. Was it hot?"


Especially the part where I felt them under my hands when I took care of his wounds.

I blush and glance up at Chan. His head is cocked, and he's smirking, almost as if he heard my statement.

"You need to pick that beautiful man up immediately before I do."

"You have a boyfriend. Stay in your lane"


Chan isn't in any of my other classes, due to him being a junior.

Hyunjin isn't either, luckily, so he can't pester me for information about my 'possible sugar daddy'.

I try to take notes and pay attention, but my mind keeps drifting off to thoughts of wolves and weird handsome guys and the fuckery that is my life at this moment.

"Mr. Yang, please see me after class."

I wait as the others leave, slowly packing up.

"What is it?"

"You learned more with a tutor, but you're still lagging behind in this class. You're going to have to ask him to tutor you more often. Else you might fail this class."

I nod obediently.

"Oh, and Mr. Yang?"


"It might help if you actually paid attention, don't think I didn't notice you drifting off."

My cheeks flush.

"Yes ma'am."

I search for Chan in the hallways and spot him on the third floor. I walk up to him.


He turns to see who said his name, spots me, and gives me a goofy smile.


"I kind of need some more tutoring" 

He laughs, a rich, full sound.

"Sure, Innie, I'll help. Are you free this evening?"

I blush at the nickname.

"No, I have a shift at work. How about in three days, on thursday?"

"I have some work I planned to do there. Saturday? At noon? In the library?"


"See you then"

I wave brightly and turn around, bumping straight into a tall guy. My lightweight self gets shoved back by his chest and I fall onto Chan, stumbling into him like a ditzy teenager trying to pull of high heels for the first time.

"Watch where you're going, idiot", the tall guy growls and tries to shove past, but Chan holds him back.


The scene would be almost comical, mainly because the guy is easily more than a head taller than the (comparatively short) Chris, if Chan's tone of voice weren't so serious.

"It was my fault, Chris."

He ignores me.


"Geez. I'm sorry, ok? I have to get to class."

He pushes past and this time, Chan lets him go.

"You didn't have to do that, you know? It was my fault."

"He shouldn't have been so unfriendly."

"It was fine"

"No it wasn't. Being polite is not a personality trait, it's needed for society to work."

"So stubborn", I giggle, poking his cheek.

He studies me a moment longer, then starts laughing as well.

"Have fun in your next class", I smile.

Canines; JeongchanWhere stories live. Discover now