"My aunt wants me home." I clarify and stare down at the ground in slight embarrassment. Understanding dawns on Nat's face.

"You know, sometimes I forget that you actually have a legal guardian." Clint nods at me.

"So do I." I laugh tightly and start to walk towards the exit. "Thank you for everything!"

At my goodbye, the rest of the Avengers' heads shoot up and look in my direction. "When will you be over again?" Mr. Rogers blurts out. Everyone is piled up on the couch with various types of snacks in their hands. We'd watched Star Wars all day after I was finally able to convince them that the series is amazing!

"Well, he's got work with me tomorrow, right? So, then?" Mr. Stark smiles brightly at me. Oh, yeah—I forget he's my boss!

I return the smile, "Sure thing, Mr. Stark."

"Tony, kid." He corrects.

I just smile again in return and grab my backpack off the side of the chair by the kitchen island. Giving everyone one last wave, I make my way down the hallway towards the elevator. "Peter, wait!" I hear Nat call after me.

The doors were just about to close when I heard her voice. "Nat?" I chuckle lightly.

She comes jogging up, placing her foot in the door to stop it from closing. The doors bounce back open. We sit there for a minute. Is she gonna say something? "Nat?" I repeat, smirking at her. She seems to be struggling for words.

"I just wanted to, um—" Nat clears her throat and checks behind her to make sure no one's listening. However, I'm sure all the Avengers are pressed against the wall listening closely to our conversation. "—to remind you that I'll always—" She shuts her eyes tightly, "—we'll always be here for you. No matter what." Her kind eyes smile at me, regardless of how defensive her posture seems. It's almost as if she has a permanent guard put up around her to protect her from getting hurt. But I can always see the vulnerability in her eyes. I wonder if anyone else notices it?

"Thanks, mom." I chuckle at the nickname I gave her around a week back.

Nat smiles widely, "Text me when you get home. Wouldn't want you dying on us." She laughs in return. Nat scruffs my hair once, then moves her foot away from the door crack. The doors slide shut.

I smile down at the ground. I can't wait to come back tomorrow.

__hello, this is jerry™️, he is your friendly neighborhood time skip :D__

In case you're wondering how I was able to get home: Somehow—by the grace of god—I'd convinced the Avengers to let me walk home. I think they see me as tougher now that they know I'm Spider-Man. It's not like it's really changed anything, but I wasn't about to remind them of that.

I'm currently standing outside the apartment door. I've been here for the past 5 minutes, thinking.

May wants to hang out. If she's been drinking, then she's gonna wonder why I can't get any closer than 6 from her without vomiting all over my sneakers. It's funny, I say 'if' like there's a chance she might not be. May's drank every day for the past 3 years, of course she'll be drinking.

Now—let me clarify again: May isn't an alcoholic! There's no way my aunt is an alcoholic! I just think that drinking helps her. I know that her drinking kind of screws me over, but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make if it makes her feel better. May would never hurt me or anything like that. She's my family. My only family.

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