Pt 22- Nice to know

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Once you got home, you flopped down on your bed

Y/m: Honey
You: Yes mom
Y/m: Mr. Polibio called me, he said if he can come over to talk about school work
You: We haven't done anything yet for his class, we haven't even had homework because of the engagement
Y/m: Well he said you have a few missing assignments
You: Fine whatever
Y/m: Okay, I'll call him over
She left the room and you sat up from the bed

Y/m: Sophie, Mr. Polibio is here
You: Coming!
You went downstairs to see Mattia looking nervous
Y/m: I have to go to your auntie's place, Hector is being a real pain in the ass
You: What's up with him?
Y/m: I don't know, I'm guessing his girlfriend
You: Yea, she's annoying as hell
Y/m: Yea, anyways I'm going to go
She kissed your forehead
Y/m: Bye sweetie
You: Bye mom
Once she left, you looked at Mattia and rolled your eyes and walked to the kitchen
M: Sophie I'm sorry
He was going to grab your wrist until you turned around and slapped his hand
You: Do not fucking touch me, I had enough of you today
M: I was upset
You: Okay, but don't take it out on him, we made out, that's it
M: You guys made out! That's why I was pissed
You: You fucking made out with Dixie
M: That was a goddamn mistake
You: Was fucking girls at the bar a mistake?
M: What are you talking about, I never did anything with anyone at the bar
You: BULLSHIT! I know you did, don't lie to me
M: So what if I did, you had sex with Kevin and that Derek guy
You: You are basically calling me a hoe
M: Maybe because you are!!

You looked at him straight in his eyes with fire in your eyes

M: I didn't mean it

Teacher Teacher       Mattia Polibio Where stories live. Discover now