Unaired chapter #17 {Fate}

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{I loved this chapter can't believe I never posted it. These next three were originally supposed to be in Fate but I cut it short}

Sarah's POV:

I wake up and Peyton is already up. He is laying next to me on his phone.

"Good morning" He says when he notices I'm awake.

"Good morning" I say back.

"Do you still want to go on Ethan's boat today?" He asks.

"Not really but I know Ava wants to" I say.

"You can stay home or go to Sabrina's and then I can take her" He says.

"No. I want to come. She is going to have so much fun and I don't want to miss it" I say.

"You are so indecisive lately" He says.

"I know" I say.

"I'm going to go wake her up and get her ready. We have to leave in two hours" He says.

"Ok" I say. I give him a kiss and then he leaves the room.

A couple minutes later Ava comes into the room.

"Hi mommy" She says and climbs on to the bed.

"Hi Ava" I say. "Are you excited to go on Ethan's boat?" I ask.

"Yeah. He told me it is so big and we are going to have a lot of fun" She says.

"It is going to be a lot of fun" I say.

Let me tell you a little bit about Ethan's family. He has his mom and dad. His mom's name is Katie and his dad's name is Travis. His dad has loved boats for all his life and when he got a job the first thing he got was this boat. I think he said he has had the boat for almost six years since Ethan was born. Ethan also has a little sister named Abigail but everyone calls her Abby. She is about to turn two next month.

We said we would meet them at twelve o'clock. They said they will pick us up from the dock so that is what we are doing.

"I'm going to go get dressed" She says.

"Ok" I say and she gets off them bed.

I get up and get ready. Once I was done I went downstairs and Ava was sitting at the kitchen table eating breakfast. Peyton was standing at the kitchen table texting someone.

"You have to call Sabrina before we leave" Peyton says.

"I know" I say.

"Why?" Ava asks as she eats.

"Because you are going to go to New York with her for a couple days" Peyton says.

"Really?" Ava asks.

"Yeah" I say.

"Yay!" She says.

"I'm going to go get dressed. I'll be back in a minute" Peyton says.

"Ok" I say.

"Ok" Ava says.

He goes upstairs and once he comes down I go into the other room and call Sabrina.

"Hi" I say when Sabrina answers.

"Are we welcoming another little member to the family?" She asks.

"We are" I say.

"Oh my god!" She yells. "I'm so excited. I am telling Corey" She says. "Corey, Sarah is pregnant" Sabrina says to him. It was a little quieter because she was talking into the phone.

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