
That all he heard. He hated that word.

He was pulled into a hug like Dabi always does but this time it was Todoroki. Midoriya would know that anytime.

He hadn't actually known he was sobbing, screaming, until his ears finally stopped ringing and he was listening again.

Sobbing, and the whimpers from Midoriya when anyone else got to close. And screams when his head pulsed to another flashback. And more tears when he came to from the flashbacks.


"You're a complete FAILIER!"

"You're sleeping outside tonight."

"I dont love you. I hate you. I hate you with everything I have."

"Midoriya, Midoriya. Hey, listen to my voice. Just my voice. I know, it's the flashbacks right? The certain words that trigger things from your past. I know what you're going through, you just have to concentrate on your breathing. It isn't the place that is bothering you, it's your thoughts. All your thoughts. What your going through is scary, but it isn't dangerous. I'm right here. I'll protect you from whoever brings harm." Todoroki listened as Midoriya's breaths calmed, "I am so proud of you, yeah? You are doing great."

Everyone watched as Todoroki lead Midoriya expertly through his flashbacks. Not even Dabi had ever been that good.

Midoriya had always had trauma if that word was used in the wrong context. Especially in a context with his parents involved. The league was great about avoiding the word all together, especially considering they had trauma as well. That was something the reporters didn't know to avoid. Really they hadn't had a panic attack, with flashbacks from the word in quite a while. Maybe 5 years ago when he first arrived. But even then, it hadn't ever been that bad. It must have been the extra anxiety of it all.

"Do you need anything?" Todoroki knew what to say. It made Midoriya a little concerned, he couldn't forget to ask about that later.

"N-" Midoriya's voice was shaky and stuttery. Not to mention very very horse from the screaming. He decided to just shake his head in response instead.

"Would you like to go to your room, you can read a book?" Todoroki asked, knowing that was as close to a happy place as they could get in a school.

Midoriya nodded his head yes, so Todoroki picked Midoriya up, like he had done so many times before, and started back to his room.

"Hey, I trust you Shouto. Take care of him." Dabi said right before they walked out.

He stopped and looked back, giving a head nod and a sincere smile before walking out of the auditorium.

He walked through the grass, whatever students who were talking, stopped. Whatever students standing in his way, moved. Everyone, though, stared.

He got to the dorm building. He went to the elevator and on the ride up Midoriya finally fell asleep.

The doors opened and Todoroki went to the last door on the floor, opening it. He, once again, put Midoriya in bed. Todoroki was starting to wonder how late he stayed up last night. Though he did just have a panic attack of sorts. That had to have taken a lot out of him.

Todoroki, since Midoriya was already asleep, kissed his forehead and layed right next to Midoriya, knowing it would make him anxious being alone when he woke up. That was the reason. And the only reason.

Todoroki wasn't tired previously, but he eventually let the comfortable bed and Midoriya in his arms guide him to sleep.


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