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The salty tears ran down her lightly blushed cheeks. Lip slightly quivered as she gave out silent sobs, biting down the bottom in an attempt to stop it. Chest filled with a sick feeling, nothing she could do to get rid of it. It only grew further and further up until it reached her throat but never coming out.

Hands raised up under her eye in a haphazard attempt to rid herself of the wet tears, tears that wouldn't stop falling.

The room was silent, her father sat across from her. Elbows rested on knees, hands covering his face. His hat was nowhere to be seen but that isn't the problem here. His face bore the same pained expression as Jolyne but for different reasons.

"I hate you" she broke the silence in a shuttered breath, her voice broken and small from keeping silent. Her face red and puffy from crying at her fathers disapproval. Jotaro looked up an astonished look on his face it was as if she had no place to hate him, as if she had not right to hate him. But she only glared back for a second, pain in her eyes. Staring down at the man she was supposed to love the most, the man who was supposed to cherish and support her the most. But it was the opposite.

"I hate you" she spoke again, this time looking deep into his eyes searching desperately for any sort of reconsideration, that maybe what she chose to be was ok. "I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I HATE YOU" she was screaming every last word over and over, Jotaro only sat and stared in disbelief. His daughter, hated him.Tears welled up in his eyes threatening to fall but never, he felt guilty but couldn't change his views.

"Jolyne, sweetheart" She shuddered at the words that came from his mouth, biting down on her tongue. "Your just" he paused for a moment, picking up a cigarette to distract himself. "Your too young" he lit it, eyes still filled with regret and sadness as his daughters choices.

Silence sat between the two for a moment, "I-i'm 19, dad..."

Jotaro chose to ignore those words, not wanting it to be real. In his eyes his daughter was still his little girl, that loved him. But now she was someone who he despised, had a distaste for. Someone who he wanted to find it somewhere in his heart to love and care for so dearly, but he couldn't. He couldn't bring himself to it.

Bringing the cigarette to his lips, he took a blow. Already regretting his next words.

"Why cant you just fuck guys like a normal girl?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2020 ⏰

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