Catra x Adora

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They have a little litter! Well more like one kitten but still! Also I personally think their child would be a boy idk lol-
Request from @LittleCrybaby24 :) hope you enjoy!

Catra purred, eyes closed and cuddling up against her wife as she read a book about the first ones. Adora unintentionally stroked Catra's soft, pointy ears, making her purr more. She aww'd softly , moving one of her arms around Catra's shoulders to hug her close. The room they were in had a fireplace, so it was basically a cliche lesbian cottage scene (minus the cottage; BrightMoon was good enough).

She kissed Catra forehead and put the book down. "Sugarplum," she cooed. Catra whined and hid her face in Adora's shoulder.

The blonde huffed, smiling gently and started to rub her wife's back. "Whaaat? I was napping," the feline whined. "We have to check on our child, remember?" Catra opened her eyes finally. She furrowed her brows. "Shouldn't he be asleep? That's what I was trying to do." She complained and sat up yawning.

"He's almost a toddler, Catra, what do you expect? Kids know." Adora thought of some memories of how bratty and petty they were as kids in the Horde. "I'm quite aware, we live with two." Catra got up, stretching her back. "Oh hush you," Adora stopped up also and flicked her shoulder. The two left the fire going and walked to their sons' room.

Once they arrived at his door and opened it they found the room light on. "Uh..Adora.." Catra patted her shoulder and pointed up. Their kid had somehow climbed up his closet and was now stuck, and now seeing his moms he called out to them in gibberish words. Adora freaked out, gasping and running over to the closet. "How did you get up there??" She asked, as if he would answer. "Mama!" He called making grabby hands, getting scared because of her reaction.

"Adora just transform into She-Ra," Catra rolled her eyes and pulled at her ponytail. "B-But he doesn't like She-Ra! What if I scare him again??" Adora fret. This caused him to whimper, speaking in more baby gibberish. "Baby c'mon, he's gonna have to deal with it eventually," Catra coaxed. "Fine.."

Adora held out her hand and almost effortlessly transformed into She-Ra. Their son stopped babbling, staring at her in awe. She-Ra grabbed his little baby body and de transformed.

Then he started crying, of course.

Adora sighed, holding him against her chest and rubbing his back. "I know, I know, I'm sorry," she made an upset face and Catra gave her a look, like, it was gonna happen no matter what. She tried to shush him, trying to be gentle, but he kept crying and kicking, uncomfortable and scared, as if he didn't recognize his mommy anymore. Or at least in the moment. "Ugh, ok he is driving me insane, hand 'em over," Catra whined and took him out of Adora's grasp.

She started to rock him back and forth, lightly humming a little lullaby. Adora watched amazed as he slowly stopped bawling his eyes out. The cries turned into sniffles and hiccups, then silence. And some sucking thumb action. He hid into the crook of Catra's shoulder as she quietly sang to him.

"Wow..I forgot how good you were at doing that," Adora complimented in a hushed voice. "Yeah, I know. I'm the coolest," Catra bragged and played with her son's thick mane hair that was still growing. "C'mon kiddo, it's just your mama," Catra coaxed him with her "baby voice." He took a peak at Adora and then said "No!" Hiding against Catra again.

Adora smiled. Catra smiled back. She walked over to her wife and reached out, cupping Adora's cheek. Their son peaked again watching them. Maybe he could tell that the love was there. "Mama..?" He asked sucking his thumb. "Yeah, it's mama," Adora repeated and reached out for him again. He made another grabby arms gesture and soon he was giggling in Adora's arms again.

Catra hugged herself. Force of habit. "I think that it's bedtime for you," she cooed and stole the boy away, making him squeal louder. She air-planed him all the way to his bed and gently dropped him down. Adora couldn't help but aww. "I no tiwed!" He complained smiling and giggling once the two moms decided his punishment for not sleeping was tickles. He squealed and laughed, no care in the world.

After a minute or two they stopped. "Ok, no more playtime," Adora smiled and kneeled down next to his bed. "Mama!" He whined. "No buts mister, listen to mama." Catra teased slightly. Adora scoffed. "You're never gonna let this go, right?" Catra stuck her tongue out. "Absolutely not~." She leaned in and kissed Adora on the lips, the blonde kissing back.

"Eww! Gwoss, no kissy!" Their son whined shoving their heads away from each other with his tiny toddler might. "Oh, jealous little man?" Catra smirked. She crawled onto the bed and picked him up again, harassing his face with kisses, which made Adora start giggling herself.

"Ok, now bed time. Mama and I need sleep to," Catra huffed sitting on the edge of the bed. Adora admired her for a second before leaning in and pressing a warm loving kiss onto her son's forehead. "Don't let the pincers bite," she booped his nose and stood up, Catra following her lead and holding her hand.

Suddenly Melog came into the room, meowing. Catra immediately lit up and knelt down, petting it happily. It turned to Adora and nuzzled into her still healing thigh. "Aww, hey!" She smiled and kissed its forehead. Catra eyed her son and Melog made a meowing noise, jumping onto their son's bed, who was already falling asleep. "Thanks," Catra whispered and left the room with her wife.

Adora sighed, laying down in her own bed. "What's wrong?" Catra asked. "Are...are we doing this right?" She asked looking at her lovely wife. "It feels weird, not knowing what to do.."

"There's no right way to make a living thing, Adora," Catra laid down next to her and stroked her hair. "No matter what happens we're in this together."

"I know that.." the blonde trailed off. "I don't wanna screw up. Or be like.." Catra frowned. "We're better than her. I promise, no matter what I'll always be here when you need me, and when he needs me." Adora nodded, smiling softly. She turned her body to face Catra. "I love you." Catra scooted closer, pecking her wife's lips quickly. "I love you too."

And for once, it was a nice night.

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