Perfuma x Entrapta (fluff)

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I can only imagine hair. That's all I see.

It was sundown in Plumeria when Entrapta decided to pay a visit. She walked in slightly skittish; her latest experiment left a lot of things on her mind.

The tech princess walking over to a glowing flower-shaped tent with a sweet aroma. She was silent and barged in. What she saw was weird.

Perfuma was crying. Perfuma never cries unless something was really bugging her. The flower princess looked up at Entrapta with a hopeful look. "You came!" She said drowsily.

"You were expecting me?" Entrapta asked with a very blunt confusion plastered on her face. Perfuma nodded, wiping away some of her tears. "Bow broke up with me," she confessed, "I'm just a little..down in the dumps. Y-You know?"

Perfuma leaned on her hand and just let the tears flow. Entrapta was inexperienced; emotions were easy to study, not come in contact with! She, however, sat down next to Perfuma and patted her back with her hair. "Why would Bow break up with you? As far as my perception goes you two were in a healthy and stable relationship.."

"It's not just that!" Perfuma wailed. She suddenly leaned on Entrapta's shoulder, which surprised the other woman. She wasn't used to this contact.
"He—He said he had feelings for Glimmer, which is fine, but, I wish he didn't fake it when he knew I loved him!"

She paused, taking in a shaky breath. "Those feelings were real, if he hadn't pretended maybe I wouldn't have been as hurt.."

Entrapta was speechless. This didn't sound like something Bow would do. But, for her friend, she had to come up with something to calm the over emotional princess.

"Well, I'm a big inexperienced but.."

Perfuma leaned back up and wiped some more of her tears, listening intently.

"As far as I know, from my data, Bow is very emotional, just like you, and in fact just like most people nowadays. A lot of times, emotions cloud our logical perception of certain situations and can intercede with important thought processes."

"Uhm, Entrapta, can you dumb it down just little bit..?" Perfuma laughed a little and forced on a smile.

"Oh, yeah, sure! What I'm saying is that Bow, though he hurt you emotionally, probably didn't mean to. Other emotional factors got in the way. Maybe if you talked to him about it he would explain his point of view."

Entrapta played with her thumbs and looked down. This was awkward. Perfuma smiled, placing a hand on Entrapta's shoulder. "Thank you."

The purple-haired princess felt a heat rise to her face. "Yeah, sure, it's helping you so it's fine..right?"

"Yes, it's great actually. I hadn't thought of it that way!" Perfuma giggled. Entrapta laughed nervously and scratched her nave. "Yeah well..uh..maybe I should go."

"No, no, can't you stay?? It's night! The woods' monsters are dangerous, especially at night!"

Why does she want me around? Entrapta thought in the back of her mind. "Are you sure? I should really check up on Emily—"

"I-I, I know, I just think I need someone to talk to.." Perfuma admitted.

Entrapta smiled forreal this time. She wants to talk to me. There's a purpose behind her request. I'll call my hypothesis as to why a mystery for now, so..

Perfuma reached her arms out. "I know you're not a touchy person, but, can I have a hug?"

"A hug??" Entrapta repeated aloud. Ok, new theory; it's not just to talk. There's over fifty possibilities for where this can go based of her early taken statistics. Should I say no? "Sure!" WHY DID I SAY YES??

The two hugged, body against body in the warmth of the lightning bugs. Perfuma took in the other's scent, breathing in deeply and finally calming down her raging emotions. I think she's overthinking a hug..Perfuma thought.

"So you can stay?" The flower princess asked. "I suppose so." Entrapta responded with a cheeky smile.

The two spent the rest of the night talking and laughing together, eventually tangled up in Entrapta's hair in a nice sleep.

She-Ra x Reader Oneshots!!Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu