Chapter One

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Isaac walked through the trees as Toro followed him.

"Isaac, we shouldn't wander too far. The Queen will be mad if we reveal ourselves to the humans". Toro said softly as Isaac continued to walk.

"Calm down Toro. We won't run into anyone. And if we do you can hide us with your plants."

The two boys kept walking until they heard rustling in front of them. They both hid behind a bush as a boy in an orange hoodie came into view. He was running with panic on his face and tripped on a tree root sticking out of the ground. The boy scurried around as distant shouts started to get louder behind him.

"Toro, I think that guy's in trouble!" Isaac whispered. "I'm going to help him!"

"Issac wait-!"
Toro went to stop him but Issac had already ran out from behind the bush and grabbed the kid.

"C'mon hurry!" Isaac told him as he pulled him behind the bush with him and Toro.

The people chasing the boy ran past them without even noticing them and they all relaxed.
"Thank you." The boy sighed. "Who are you anyways?"

"I'm Isaac. And this is Toro." Isaac said, introducing himself and then pointing to Toro. "You?"

"Nico." The boy replied.

"Nico, why were those people chasing you anways?" Isaac asked him.

"Well... they don't like me too much. I'm not sure why, but they chased me here all the way from the high school."

Isaac and Toro looked at each other. "See Toro, aren't you glad I got him?"

"I guess, but the Queen is going to be furious Isaac!"

Nico stared at the two of them as they argued. "The... queen?"

Both boys stopped yelling at one another and Toro groaned out "Dammit Isaac, now he knows too much!"

"The queen of the sprites of course!" Isaac exclaimed happily, ignoring Toro completely. "She's only the most beautiful and powerful sprite there is. It was said that she took on, and killed the previous dragon king all on her own."

Nico stared at Isaac with a look of extreme disbelief. "Riiigghhttt. Dragon kings and sprite queens."

"Wait! I can prove it! I'm a Sprite myself!" Isaac protested as he stood up and brandished a pair of lavender dragonfly wings. Toro nearly fainted as Nico looked up in amazement.

"Isaac!!! Are you crazy what are you doing!?" Toro yelled out.

"What? He didn't believe me."

Toro rolled his eyes and sighed into his hands. "Hopeless. "

The three boys stopped and looked around as it suddenly got windier.
"What the heck?" Isaac said to himself as they shielded their faces.

"Isaac, I think it's a dragon!" Toro yelled in a worried tone. "Look, there's a shadow coming!"

A huge shadow loomed over them and they got a good look at a vibrant red dragon flying above them. The dragon noticed them and flew towards them, spewing fire down at them.
Isaac quickly scooped up Nico and Toro before flying off to evade the fire.

"Isaac we need to go now!" Toro said as he stayed latched onto Isaac's back.

"I know Toro. But what about Nico? We can't leave him here."

"Yeah, please don't leave me here with that." Nico chimed in.

The dragon turned around and started to fly towards them again, so they needed to think fast.

"Toro, can you cover us with vines or something? We need to hide!" Isaac exclaimed bringing them back towards the ground.

"Yes. Take us to that rock and I'll cover us."

Isaac flew down to the side of a little mountain and Toro covered them and part of the rocks in vines, hiding them from the dragon.
As they hid more dragons appeared and flew all around them.
The dragons all reverted to their more human forms and landed on the ground. Toro grabbed Isaac's arm as he realized one of the dragons was carrying Princess Maera, who was tied up and unconscious.

"Isaac, they've got the Princess." Toro whispered.

Isaac furrowed his brow as they watched. "We can't do anything. We're seriously outnumbered."

They watched as the dragons all talked a bit before turning back to their dragon selves and flying off in the direction of Dragon's Cove.

After the coast was clear Toro took the vines off of them and they looked at each other in panic.

"What was that?" Nico asked, even scared himself.

"Those were the dragons. We've been at odds with them for years. And they got into the Sprite kingdom somehow and kidnapped Princess Maera." Toro answered. "We have to tell the Queen."

Isaac agreed and they took Nico with them as they made their way to tell Queen Ivey that the princess had been kidnapped. When they arrived the Queen was not to thrilled to see a human with them.

"Why is there a human with you?" The Queen asked angrily to the two boys as they approached her throne.

"Queen Ivey, we had to rescue him! We were attacked by dragons while me and Toro went to pollinate the cherry blossom trees, and he got mixed in." Isaac said, his lie seeming to be believable to the Queen.

She let out a sign "Fine. If there was no other way besides death for the human, that is excusable. Now what is this urgent news?"

"The dragons that attacked us kidnapped Princess Maera."

"But she was with the sprite scouts this morning."

Toro and Isaac looked to each other. "Toro, you don't think?"

"Queen Ivey, we should check on the Sprite scouts! There was at least a dozen dragons there when we hid from them! The scouts could be in trouble!" Toro pleaded.

The queen stood up urgently. "We must hurry."

When Queen Ivey and the boys arrived to the location of the sprite scouts they were appalled at the carnage that laid before them.

"Queen Ivey!" One of the scouts, named Dawn Rose, yelled out as she wobbled over. One of her wings was missing and she was pretty scratched up.

"Dawn Rose, what happened?!" Queen Ivey said, holding the small scout in her arms.

"We were ambushed by dragons. We tried to fight them off, but they overpowered us and took Princess Maera. I'm sorry Queen Ivey, I've failed you."

"No Dawn Rose. You did your best. Are you all that remains of your brothers and sisters?"
Dawn Rose nodded slowly and Queen Ivey looked to the boys.
"We need to do something. They cannot get away with this."

"We'll go get the Princess." Isaac told the Queen.

"Isaac, there's no way we can do that." Toro interjected.

"We're all that's left Toro. We don't have a choice."

"I'll come with you." Dawn Rose said standing upright. "Let me get some medical attention and I'll help."

"And we'll bring Nico too." Isaac added.
Queen Ivey smiled at them softly. "Thank you. Now let's get Dawn Rose back home so you can prepare."

"Isaac, we aren't going to be able to pull this off." Toro said as Isaac got together some things to take with them on their journey.

"Toro, we don't have a choice. And I'd rather die trying than let them just take Princess Maera. They could be torturing her."

"What about Nico? He's just a human."

"Human's can still fight. And we'll have Dawn Rose too."
Isaac stood up and walked over to Toro, placing a small bag in his hands.
"Do you trust me, Toro?"

Toro sighed and nodded. "Yes, I do trust you."

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