Clash! Raimon vs Arakumo!!

Start from the beginning

Suiryuu: Hey, is that even okay?

Kaminari: What we need is to learn how to get use with the system and use it.

Homura: That would be hard.

"The match resume with Arakumo's throw-in! With the raise-up system have been activated, how will both team play on this field?"

Ojiko look around while holding the ball. Then he throw the ball in and Todoroki quickly grab ut as he move up along with Shizo.

Todoroki: Our second point!

Shinji: I won't let you!

He raise up his right hand and open his palm as a small light come out and float. Then the light shines brightly causing Todoroki to cover his face with his hands.

Shinji: Crazy Sunlight!

He take the chance and steals the ball from him.

"In instant the game resume, Amemiya quickly steals the ball from Shou!"

Shinji(In mind): I need to score a goal for the team! And I won't lose Nii-san's team!

Suddenly, another raise-up occured and sent him and the ball into the air.

Shinji: Again?!

"Another raise-up interfere with Raimon's offense!"

He fall on the ground as Asakura went up and grab the ball as he move up toward Raimon's field.

Asakura: *pass the ball* Captain!

Todoroki: *receive the ball* Yeah!

He run up and head toward Raimon's defense line. Before he can kick the ball, a raise-up occured and sent him into the air as Gento gets the ball.

"Once again the raise-up gets in the way! Arakumo lose their chance in getting another point!"

Kaiji: *sigh relief* That was close...

Ushio: Thank goodness that the raise-up happens when we needed it...

Gento: With that system, it would make us hard to counterattack even at the right time.

Ushio: It's hard when we play only in three defenders...


Ushio: Wait, Coach Tenma. All our reserve players now are defenders.

Gento: Yeah, that makes on three defenders in this match.

Kaiji: Is that enough?

Tenma: Yeah. We'll be fighting in this match with only three defenders.

Gento: But aren't that going to lower our defense?

Shinsuke: I and Tenma have a reason for that.

Ushio: Three defenders, four midfielders and three forwards. It's true that we can do more offensive but...

Kaiji: I'll do what Coach Tenma told me.

Gento: Me too.

Ushio: It can't be help... It's look like we have to go in full offensive...

(Flashback Over)

Gento: Why would Coach using this kind of formation?

Kaiji: Who knows.

Ushio: But we'll have to do what we can!

The match continues as Gento kick the ball forward. Ren and Shizo trying to get the ball but raise-up occured and block the ball from getting to them.

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