Surprise for the princess

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"Who is ready for road trip mfuckers!?"JJ yelled running into the chateau while everyone was still sleeping hanged over from last night. His tolerance to alcohol is insane sometimes.

"Shut up JJ"John B said his voice groggy from sleep and alcohol

JJ threw pillow at him making him groan in frustration.The he walked up to Kiara splashing some water on her making her throw pillow at him annoyed.

"Shut the fuck up bro!"she said matching John B's level of annoyance

"Where is my princess?"he asked and both of them pointed outside.

He approached you on the swing slowly before yelling your name making you jump confused and scared.

"Morning princess ready for the road trip?"JJ said laughing at your messy hair and confused face

"JJ what the hell ?"you said trying to clam down from practically being scared to death couple of seconds ago.

"Come on get up we are going on a road trip, or rather boat trip"he said but you only rolled your eyes being tired from the long night you spent partying at the beach with the Pogues.

Seeing that didn't work he carried you bridal style inside the cabin.

"Mmhhhh J come on I'm exhausted put me down"

"No can do princess sorry"

He fake opened the door knowing what will make John B get up.He pointed to you to keep quiet and you nodded nuzzling closer to him keeping your eyes closed.

"Oh hey Sara happy you are coming with me and Y/N"and after that John B was right next to us in a second

"What the hell bro!? That wasn't funny!"

"It was hilarious actually but glad you are up, time to get Ki and Pope to the Pogue and we are ready to go"JJ said laughing

"I see princess is really feeling this idea of yours"John B said laughing at me sleeping in his arms

"Why are you so excited to go on a boat trip we do it all the time bro?"John B asked but JJ looked away

"Oh my god, are you making a surprise for her or ?"

JJ pointed for him to be quiet and he nodded.

"Get Ki up and i guess we will get Pope"JJ said and John B nodded

By the time we all met by HMS Pogue you were finally awake drinking cherry cola from The Wreck while Pope and JJ joked around. Ki, John B and Sara were already there laughing about something.

"Hey guys!" I said jumping into the boat hugging Sara and Ki high fiving John be who joined the boys.

"What is going on man why are we up so early going to wherever the hell we are going?"Pope asked and John B nodded

"Alright I need you to stop at this exact location can you do that?"JJ asked John B and he nodded

"Why here man?"John B asked 

"I took Y/N there when she just moved to Outer Banks, that was before she met all of the Pogues. I want to ask her to be my girlfriend officially"JJ said and both boys congratulated him but quietly so girls don't suspect anything.

"Listen when we get there we need to make it look like something is wrong with the boat.Me and John B will get off at the island and Pope you need to make sure girls stay on the boat. I left a surprise gift for Y/N there right before I came to the cabin."you got it

"Got it man don't worry"John B said and Pope nodded

"Ready to go ladies?"John B asked

"Ay ay captain"Sara said and winked at him making us all laugh at the couple

Pope sat in the front with Kie while JJ came up to me smiling.

"You ok princess?'he asked and I nodded laying my head on his shoulder and he hugged me tighter towards him.

"You cold?I told you to bring a sweatshirt."JJ said seeing your goosebumps. 

You shrugged and he pulled away taking off his sweatshirt letting you wear it instead. You nuzzled closer to him engulfed in his scent.

"Thank you!"you said and he nodded. The boat stopped abruptly and you held tight JJ's shirt and he stood up looking at John B who nodded his head.

"Damn it! Engine is fucked up"Pope said 

"JJ me and you can go to the island see if they have extra engine and Pope you stay here with the girls"John B said

"We can help John B"Kiara said and Sara nodded

"They are right maybe it's better for someone who is good at 'talking' instead of throwing punches"you said but JJ frantically shook his head.

"We are fine princess don't worry"JJ said and you nodded confused.Something weird is going on.

They left and you came up to Pope.You knew he is easy to crack under pressure.

"Hey Pope"you said

"Hey"he said kinda nervous

"If I ask you a question you would tell me the truth right?"

"Yeah of course"he said avoiding eye contact

"What are you three plotting?"

"Nothing!"he quickly said and Ki and Sara quickly caught up

"Pope! What the hell is going on?"Ki said 

"Nothing let's just wait for them to get back ya?"

"Whatever"all three of you said leaving the poor guy behind

You all see John B swimming towards the boat alone.

"Where is JJ?"you asked

"He is on his way no worried princess"John B said kissing Sara

"Are you three planning something?"she asked his boyfriend but he shook his head.He was more convincing that Pope that's for sure.

The JJ swam back.When he got back to the boat you lost it

"Alright it is not funny anymore, what is going on JJ? First you frantically want to go to the boat trip in 5 am in the morning then the whole engine shit, come on you guys know better than go on a boat trip without checking the engine first"

"You are right"

"And on top of that..wait what? I am"I say confused

"Yes I planned this boat failure because if you remember right in this spot we had our first boat trip together right when you got to the Outer Banks. "he started making you nod remembering the memory "I want to ask you officially if you would make me the luckiest Pogue alive and be my girlfriend?"

"Are you for real or joking around?"you asked 

"I have never been and probably never be this serious in my life"he said

"Yes!"you said jumping in his arms and he spins you around making everyone else applauds.

"Awwwwwwww you guys are so cute I can't"Sara said and Kie nodded

"John B if you will?"JJ said and he walked towards him giving him the small red box

"What is this?"You asked when he gave you the box

"Open it"JJ said

It was a turtle necklace JJ wore every day without exception.

"J it's your necklace"you say and he nodded putting it around your neck

"My mom gave it to me and I want you to have it,so you can think of me whenever you wear it"

"It's beautiful J. I promise I will never take it off" you say and he kisses you

"Hey guys mind if we get back and eat some left overs at the Wreck cause I am starving" Pope said and everyone laughed driving back to the Pogue side of the island.

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