Sick Baby

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I walked inside John B's cabin after my morning jog hoping to find my boyfriend laughing and fooling around with the rest of the Pogues like he always does but all I heard was silence.

Maybe they were on a boat? That was the first thought that came to my mind but soon vanished when I saw my handsome blond laying on his stomach in the dim dark room

He was shirtless and his back muscles were well defined. I sat on the couch next to him running my hand up and down his back. His skin was warm, and although JJ usually tended to be warm this was more than normal.

"Baby wake up"I whispered shaking him gently as he opened his heavy eyelids smiling weakly at me

"Hey there sleepy head where is everybody?"I asked

"They went fishing"he answered his voice more groggy than usual.

"And why are you still here?"

"I think I have polio, I can't move a muscle in my body"he said signing in pain trying to sit up.

I placed a hand on his cheek and he leaned into my touch.God he was burning up.

"You have a fever, lay down I will go get a wet towel to put on your forehead"I said and he nodded laying back down and signing in relief of his head reaching the pillow.

I came back placing a cold towel on his forehead and he smiled in response.

"Alright we need to boost your immunity, did you eat anything?"I asked and he shook his head no

"I will go make the fish soup and you should try rest up a bit"I said trying to get up put he held my arm pulling me back

"Can you just stay and lay here with me?"he asked 

"I promise when you eat I will lay down with you for the rest of the day deal?"

"Deal"he said letting go of my arm making me go to the kitchen to make the soup.

After the soup was finished I walked back to the living room where JJ was fast asleep. I placed soup on the small table waking him up.

"Here baby the soup is ready"

"Thank you"he said trying to reach for the bowl but hissed in pain trying to move his body from the bed.

"Hold on,lay down I got you"I said taking some soup in the spoon giving it to him.

"Great now I'm a baby you need to feed"he said rolling his eyes.It might be his ego trying to fight the pain he is currently in.

"You are always my baby J.But don't worry this won't make you any less of man in my eyes"I said giggling and he smiled

After he ate the soup, I changed the towel on his forehead laying down with him.

"Can I lay on your chest?"

"What is this, you always harass me with always being the big spoon because that is more manly?"I said laughing at  his childish behavior

"Well you said it yourself I am your baby for the day and when this shit passes we will never speak of this again"he said and I nodded making him place his head on my chest.

I ran my fingers through his hair earning a sign of content.I massaged his scalp for awhile until I felt his hands squishing my chest playfully.

" Mm what are you doing?"I asked blushing slightly

"They are so squishy like pillows"he said amusing himself

"Yeah they can also be painful when squished too much thank you very much"I said in the matter of fact voice making him laugh

"Sorry baby I just like them that's all."he smiled looking up at me with those damn ocean blue eyes

"How are you feeling?"I asked

"Still pretty crappy my body is aching so bad"he said 

"I can give you a massage if you want"I said and he nodded

"Alright turn on your stomach"I said and he did

I sat on his butt running my fingers up and down his back soothing the knots of muscles formed.He moaned in relief making me smile.I am happy this makes him feel better.

After awhile I heard light snores from the boy under me.He finally fell asleep.

I smiled standing up placing a blanket over him cleaning up the dishes before putting a sign on the door for others to be quiet when they come back from the boat.

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