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I'm going to clear some things up. I might not do this all the time, but if I feel I need to, then I will.

Okay so the hug scene in chapter two.
The reason she hugged Taco was because if you read the summary you would know that Taco is a child prodigy. The fact that a child under the age of ten just got used to the immense amount of hated they got scared Leafy. So that's why she hugged Taco. To make her feel better.

Also, keep in mind that if you wanna ship Taco with Leafy or Pickle or whoever, keep in mind that Taco is about 8 years old in this fic, while (almost) everyone else is 15-16 years old. So that's kinda disgusting that if you're doing that. Nothing much else to say.

Now back to writing chapter 4

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