02 • I Must Be Hallucinating

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It has only been seven months but never have I wished for death as much as I do now. That fucking asshole knew! He knew and he made a fucking joke out of it! Thought he could be some clever ass and foreshadow my misfortune without me remembering, did he? Well, tough shit Dave, I'll throw myself off the balcony if it means getting to strangle you sooner!

I can't believe this shit.

It started off normal, as normal as being reincarnated could with no previous experience. I found out that the people around me don't speak English, and if they did it wasn't very much. No, instead they speak Japanese. A fucking language I have about a week of experience with as Anna and that was with a fucking translator on sight. Thankfully, through sheer stubbornness and rage, I've come to understand the language as well as a five or seven year old would in these past months — I'm guessing, I honestly don't know how much a five or seven year old should know especially of a foreign language like I'm learning.

I next found out I have an older sister and twin brother. My sister is older by three or four years, I haven't figured that out yet. She has black hair and eyes, like our Father. Her name is Hana and she's a...happy child. I'm still iffy whether that's a good thing or not. On one hand, the family has already raised one happy child and has had that experience so I don't have to keep up a pretense. On the other hand, it can be very annoying.

Then I find out that I'm not even in the same fucking universe anymore! And if that isn't enough, I'm in a motherfucking anime. One that I only saw like...like five episodes of! This is bullshit! I am the most under qualified person for this! I don't know half the shit that's going to happen or when! Some big shit happens and I want to know what so I can avoid it damnit!

This is bullshit. If it hadn't been months of seeing the same ass shit on the news, I would think that I was on some baby drugs or something. Maybe my milk bottle was spiked because honestly, superpowers? What kind of grade school imagination roller coaster shit is this? Am I supposed to just go with flow? No "oh hey yeah heroes exist and when you reach a certain age you get a superpower too" warning? Was I supposed to figure this out on my damn own!?

Not only is it incomprehensible, but the details are just a headache. If I thought society was bitch before, it's a little fucker now. Superpowers - sorry, I mean quirks, are the big thing. I don't need to see the news or take a walk outside to know that. It's just common sense. Once the initial fear of something new and strange fades, it becomes the new normal and the greatest thing. Now, take that and use it to replace race. And there you go! Society is still fucked just even more so! Way to go government!

What complete horse dung. Fucking superpowers.

What were the "higher-ups" thinking?


It was pretty hard to figure out that I wasn't in my own universe. As a baby, I'm confined to my own room almost 24/7. It's not bad since it means I don't have to deal with other people and I get to work on language with my brother, but it gets boring very fast. The toys are absolutely mind numbing.

My twin and I get visitors in our room often. I've already met my grandmother (whose name I don't know) and my grandfather (again, I don't know his name). My mother (still no name) and sister Hana are the most frequent visitors. Oh, and my father. I saw him like once, and I think that was just so we would know that he actually exists. Talk about father figures, right?

Point is, we get visitors and don't leave the room. It was during one of the rare times Mother took us out the room to the living area and the TV was on. Hana was seated right in front of it, Gran and Gramps on the couch to the side. Since my vision was complete shit, and still is as a baby, I didn't see all too clearly what was on.

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