"Do you really need two cigarettes back to back?" I rolled my eyes as I scolded him.

"Lena after what we just did, I need to chain smoke a whole fucking carton." He joked, earning a quiet chuckle from me.

He opened the door slowly to check if anyone else was awake before he stepped out and quietly closed the bedroom door behind us.

He tiptoed down the short flight of stairs as I placed a kiss on the Texas tattoo behind his ear, earning a low groan from his throat.

The house was dark and quiet as everyone else seemed to still be asleep.

He carried me through the empty kitchen, unlocked the double French doors leading to the deck and carefully closed them behind us.

He walked us through the huge backyard until we reached the poolside. We sunk down onto a swinging bench with a canopy over the top, facing the faint outlines of the mountains.

"Looks like we made it angel." He mumbled as he laid down sideways, pulling me on top of him as the darkness of the sky hung above us.

I ran my fingers along the bottom of his beard as I gazed up at him.

"Angel huh?" I bit down onto my bottom lip and cocked my brow as I found the opportunity to ask him about his new pet name for me.

"Well look at you, you are an angel Lena." He stole a peck from my lips."Except when you're stripped naked and riding the hell out of me. Then you're a little fucking devil." He wickedly smirked, earning a shy smile from me.

"I didn't think you liked me being on top. You changed positions so fast after I got on top of you." I couldn't help but chuckle as I pointed out.

"I switched because I liked it a little too much. I haven't had sex in a little while and I was sure I was going to bust after two minutes with the way you were grinding on me." He said as we laughed together.

"What's your favorite position?" I asked curiously as I traced circles into his arm with my finger.

"I think I just showed you what my favorite position is Lee." He raised his brows and smirked.

But the smile faded from his face as quickly as it had formed. "Well actually now that I think about it, with you, I really liked missionary. I don't know, as much as I loved fucking you from behind, I love looking at you even more."

"I feel the same way." I muttered into his shirt, his words sending a collection of nerves to my stomach.

I laid my head comfortably on his chest as the sun slowly made it's way up.

"Wow that is so beautiful. I've never seen anything like it." I mumbled at the incredible view gleaming down at us.

"Yeah it is, I agree." I heard Austin's low voice as he ran his fingers through my unruly waves.

I didn't look up at him but I couldn't help but feel his gaze was fixed on me rather than the stunning view in front of us.

"Oh I meant to tell you, I know one of the editors of GQ magazine. I've been emailing back and forth with him. What do you think about doing an interview with them?" I spoke up as I raised my head to look at him.

He chuckled under his breath as his hand slid under my shirt to graze my back with his fingertips.

"Lena that's very nice of you but GQ doesn't want people like me. I mean look at me." He voice became low and almost sad.

I propped myself up so that I was now facing him. "What are you talking about? Why wouldn't they want you?" I questioned.

"C'mon Lee. They only sign guys who look like fucking runaway models. They would never include someone like me in their spread. I'm not exactly the most handsome guy in the world and I only have a million fucking tattoos on my face." He shook his head as he pulled an unlit cigarette from his ear and slowly brought it to his lips.

I Think Your Love Would Be Too Much / Post MaloneWhere stories live. Discover now