|Chapter 6 ~ A Race To The Unknown|

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"I understand." I finally said. Albert seemed so relieved at my change of resolve that it felt like I was watching him grow younger right in front of my very eyes. He opened the door with a great push and ran inside the chamber.

Breath escaped my lungs.

The entire room was built from white material and glowed with blue colour that made my eyes feel strange. Screens and machines filled the room with flashing lights and soft beeping noises. The technology that involved each object's creation was beyond my small world of electronic imagination and the sight felt unreal.

Each holographic screen seemed to show a part of the earth. The images were from a time long, long  ago. Back when there were still green plants that covered most of the earth's surface and oceans that didn't look like black oily expanses filled with disgusting floating rubbish. I walked deeper into the room and inspected a hologram that showed an image of great trees - forests that looked like they blocked out the sunlight entirely. The hologram appeared to move and my eyes followed the graceful motion of the falling leaves that tumbled to the forest bed below.

I spun around, greedily drinking in everything I saw. Another image showed a sparkling blue ocean that stretched as far as the screen was able to show me. The golden light of the sun - the sunlight warm and soft - made the blue water sparkle like millions of precious stones. Birds cloaked in white swept over the tiny waves that formed on the watery surface, some even slipping into the water with elegant dives of their wings.

I was simply mesmerized. The images felt real, so real I wanted to jump through the screen and explore all the beautiful places,  shown on the holograms. My heart fluttered as I stared from one image to the next. I had never seen a world quite so beautiful.

Albert stumbled to the corner of the room, followed by Gandila. His eyes looked very bright in the abnormal blue hue of the room. For a moment there was nothing in the corner until I focused on Albert in order to see what he was doing.

As I squinted, something materialized next to Albert. To my great surprise, I began to notice the faint outlines of some structure.

Albert did not look at me as he spoke, his words senile. "This is the device used to transport most of the Aliums to Nova Terra." I gaped at him. I couldn't believe it.

"Are w-we going to Nova Terra ?!" My voice shook as I spoke. Albert didn't appear to have noticed and paused slightly before nodding. My eyes went to the now very visible cylinder-shaped device that radiated with a bronze glow.

The creation was clearly very different from the other machines in the room and stood out like an otherworldly beacon of bright light. It was skilfully crafted from bright metals and glass in order to make it see-through. The overall structure was supported by two white steel frames, outlining the beautiful panes like a frame would a painting. After seconds of inspection, I realized the bronze light escaped through the glass panes from the inside of the long tube. I glanced back to where Albert was typing away on a keyboard of some sorts and noticed Gandila inspecting the cylinder, her blue fur glowing even brighter in the techno room.

A thought suddenly popped into my head as I stared at the feline. "Wait, what about Gandila? Will there be enough space for her as well?!" The idea of leaving Gandila to the Deathtreaders made me sick to my stomach.

Albert tapped the glass and I gasped as one of the panes shimmered and transformed into another control panel. 

"She is a creature not exactly of this world Artemisia. She will be able to make it back to her birthplace without the usage of simple human devices." He explained while his fingers moved over the control panel in such speed, I had trouble keeping up with what he was pressing.

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