"And that's how your Momma managed to stop a dragon from frying National City." The eldest blonde stated proudly.

"As much as I love a good Super story, are we nearly there yet?" Lily asked taking out her headphones. "We've been sat here for 3 hours and Micheal's beginning to get really bad B.O."

"It's not my fault I'm the only one out of us three who can sweat." He exclaimed defensively. " You don't know the struggle of constant deodorant and showers. You just get to smell all rosey the whole time."

" Haha Sucker." Levi laughed menacingly.

"Shut up." Micheal reached across the blonde girl in the middle to whack the young boy.

"Mike you're squishing me." Lily complained. " MOOooom!!"

"You two quit it." Lena snapped.

"Levi started it." They both complained at the same time.

" Did not." Levi crossed his arms in a huff.

"Did too." Micheal exclaimed narrowing his eyebrows.

" Enough! All of you." Kara ordered. Her voice was authoritative but still kind and gentle. Something she had learned from her own mother. "I know this journey is a long and hard one for you all but you need to consider that this isn't the situation me and your Mother want to be in either so please, for your Mom's sake, can we all get along? "

" Sorry Momma." Levi apologised putting his hands back in his lap.

Micheal fell back in his seat and sling his head to the side. " Sorry." He grumbled.

Lily loudly groaned letting her head fall back and hit the head rest. " Sorry Momma."

"Annnd-" Kara said readgusting her grip on the steering wheel. A string of sorry Mom was heard from behind the two women.

Lena looked at her wife with the marvelled expression she had given for years. "I've never understood how you do that." She whispered.

"Me neither." Kara sniggered.

" Nobody answered my question. How lomg until we get there?" Lilly asked.

"We're here." Lena stated.

"Uuuhhhh. I think Mom's gone insane." Micheal said looking out the window. " All I see is a field with a random wall."

"Give me a second." Lena said smirking and getting out of the car. She strut over to the keypad and typed in the code. The Luthor Mansion appeared in the middle of the muggy patch of grass and looked just as old and dark as it did the last she time was there, which was over 17 years ago.

She watched her kids faces drop in disbelief and shine in amazement as they saw a full mansion appear in front of their eyes.

" What in Roa's name did I just witness." Lily said as her mouth hung open.

"The power of the Luthors." Lena replied hopping back in the car.

The vehicle slowly creeped up the drive until it stopped at the front door. All 3 children gawked at the size of the house. It looked like a castle to them. All 3 got out the car keeping their eyes locked on the building.

Kara slammed her door shut before walking around the car to her wife.
"Roa this place really took a turn for the worse. " Kara exclaimed studying the crumbling brick and shattered glass.

"Yeah about 6 years ago Mother dismissed all staff bar about 3 so there was nobody to maintain anything." She stated.

Suddenly, the large oak door slowly creeked open. The young 11 year old boy quickly hid behind his kryptonian mother as they watched the door come to a halt. A frail old man took tiny steps as he dragged himself out the front door.

He was short with thin grey hair that was pushed back neatly. Rested on his nose was a pair of circular framed spectacles, he wore a neat tux with a pair of clean white gloves. The clothing began to crinkle though as his back bent his posture over.

"Monty?" Lena asked, her face spread from confusion to delight as she recognised her childhood butler. This man was special to Lena. He would always keep her secrets, whether that was sneaking a girl in, sneaking out, the repulsion she felt towards her mother or her desire to leave. He was also there when Lena needed to vent. He would always be in the kitchen making afternoon tea for the rest of the household when she would sit in the kitchen and talk about her problems. He may not have been a trained professional but he had that old man wisdom that was helpful to her.

"Ms Luthor. Welcome home." He exclaimed as enthusiastically as he could, his posh British accent seem to restrict more emotion. His vocal chords were also strained from years of use. "You've grown so much since I last saw you. Why the last time I did see you, you were only 18 and had just left for college but you never came back."

Lena quickly walked over to the elderly man and have him a big hug. She made sure not to squeeze to hard over fears off breaking anything. "Oh my goodness, you don't know how amazing it is to see you."

He pulled back and looked Lena swiftly up and down. "And yet, you're still just as beautiful."

Over by the rest of the family Levi shook his Momma arm. " Momma." He whispered. " Who is that."

Kara twisted around and shugged. "I have no idea." She whispered back.

"And you must be
Ms. Danvers ." The butler said gesturing at Kara.

" Yes I am. But how do you know my last name. I never told the media my last name. "

" It's my job to know anything and everything Ms Danvers." He joined his hands behind his back. " And Master Levi I don't believe I pose that much of a threat to you. Trust me young man my fighting days are long over." He croaked. Levi hesitantly took a step to the side to break away from his human shield.

"Uhhmm I know we are having some kinds of reunion but I need to pee so can we please get a move on." Michael pleaded bobbing up and down.

"Micheal." Lena snapped giving him a death glare.

" I'm sorry I just really need to pee." Micheal held inbetweeners his legs and crossed them over each other.

"Go down the first corridor on your right and take the 3rd door on the left. There, Master Micheal, you will find the lavatory." The butler instructed.

Michaels face seemed more worried and confused than he was before. Lena saw this and sighed. "A lavatory is the bathroom Micheal."

Within a second the teen sprinted off towards the house. " Thank you." He shouted.

" And finally," the old man turned to the youngest girl. " You must be Miss Lily." He smiled. Without hesitation the young blonde snapped her fingers into finger guns and clicked her tongue at him. " I'm sorry?" He asked confused at this foreign gesture of greeting.

" I'm sorry Monty." Lena shook her head and folded her arms. " She gets that from her other mother."

After hearing this Kara decided the best response was to just do the finger gun thing as well so snapped her fingers into guns at Monty and nodded her head in approval. Lena just smacked her own forehead in defeat. Without looking, Kara and Lily high fived each other for their ability to embarrass Lena.

" Sha'll we head inside?" Monty asked.
The family followed after the elderly butler as he slowly walked towards the Luthor Mansion. He waited for everyone to be inside before shutting the door. Micheal jogged back down the corridor to meet them.

"It's fine everybody, I've peed." He stated proudly.

"Ew." Lily scrunched up her face in disgust.

" She's this way. " He beckoned following a long corridor down the centre. The corridors were long and old but still elegant and refined. Great portrates of past generations of Luthors lined the walls; each staring further into each person's soul. "In here." He was about to open the door when Lena suddenly stopped him.

"Wait." She breathed heavily. "Oh god." She panicked. A hand snaked it's way into her own and squeezed softly. It reassured her enough to calm her down. She looked around expecting to see her wife's hand in her own as that's what it felt like but instead it was that of her only daughter.

" Its Ok Mom." Lily smiled giving her mom a nod of approval to open the door.

Cautiously, Lena twisted the handle.

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