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Tom was nervous, he was about to meet Deliahs sister.  He did not know for sure why Deliah did not talk to her parents, but he will wait until she is ready to tell him.  Tom heard a knock at the door, and opens it to see the sisters.  If you where to see Deliah and Ameila you would not think they where sisters or even related.  Deliah had light brown hair untameble curls.  Her round face is littered in freckles, and she has  deep brown eyes that seem to look in to your soul.  Ameila on the other hand had pin straight black hair.  Her oval face is clear as humanly possible, and she has dark green eyes that are calming. 
"Hello, you must be Amelia" Tom says in a cheery voice sticking his hand out.
"Hmmm" she says circling around him.  "So you are Tom"  Tom was nervous, he knew how much Deliah loved and cared about her sister.  All he wanted was for her to like him.  "Yep that me, it is great to finally meet you." 
"It is nice to meet you" she says shaking his hand, and squeezed hard.  Tom and Deliah make eye contact.  " I'm sorry" she mouths to him.  He simply smiles. 
"Are you guys hungry, I ordered Chinese"  He says hoping to get Amelia to like him.  Without a word Ameila starts walking towards the kitchen.  Tom and Delaih walk shoulder to shoulder.  "I am super sorry about her"  Sje says embarrassed.
"No worries, it is worth it to make you happy" with that they took a deep breath and walked into the kitchen where Chinese food and a over protective little sister was waiting.

Hey there Delilah ~T.Holland Completed Where stories live. Discover now