Bailey's Here

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I'm just your typical 18 year old out of college individual. Nothing special about me and I'm sure I can relate to most people even though I tend to keep to myself and plan and living this way until I can be asked to actually socialize with people who don't share my interests. My name's Dan, but I suppose that really isn't important. Since finishing up college in which I studied Media Studies, I have been doing part time work over the summer to rank up a bit of cash so I can pay for my car insurance next year as my parents won't be assisting with that. I will usually take any job I can get, just as long as I get paid. I currently wash dishes at some cheap cafe which opened only last year and already is not popular with the locals around my town it seems. About my town, I honestly quite like it. It can just be your stereotypical small town with what seems like everything in it. Cafes of course, a few shops and there's even a bloody golf course! Not like I give a shit about golf but it's sometimes interesting to hang down there, when I can actually be asked to see some of my friends who I really haven't spoken to since the ending term of college. But I sometimes stroll through that golf course when I'm taking long walks thinking about what I want to do with my life. I like to compare my town to that of the fictional Castle Rock, often makes it a comfortable town for me to settle in and I doubt I'd want to leave once I am forced to pay for my own place. Right now though, my goal in this strayed life is to work as much as I can and earn as much as possible, of course not trying to spend it. Probably lucky I am a bit of an introvert as some of my old friends I now hear that they always come into their work shifts hung over as hell, with an empty bank account.

So when a family moved into one of the houses in our neighbourhood a few weeks back and word got around our neighbours that they were looking for a young individual to baby sit their 4 year old daughter named Alice, I was definitely more than interested. I think I was more interested in seeing the house. 18 years I've lived on this planet and it has remained empty. I heard some dumb stories that it was haunted and nobody wanted another Amityville horror house experience. Although later on I found, the truth could kind of be compared to that. I was interested in the job and my parents supported me like they always would with any job I'd take with my dad always saying the phrase I was damn well used to by now, "there's some money in the back pocket for you now kid!", but I never got fed up by it. It was kind of motivating actually. It was Monday, I'd come back from my 9 – 5pm shift at the café. I was going to go straight to the house now owned by a family called the Johnson's from what I heard. I went straight to the house, didn't really take much of a look from the outside as it just looked similar to every other house in the neighbourhood, even mine. Although I always like seeing the insides of a house and how someone takes care of it. Seeing the inside of someone's house just gives me an idea of what type of person they might be, and of course if they share interests with me, then I may stick around with them. Of course the first thing I always tend to pay attention to are their bookshelf's and movie collections if they are retro individuals and still collect those things like me of course. I knocked at the door, and after a very short wait it opened and I was greeted by a black individual in your typical navy blue office suit, that was slightly dripping with sweat, although it was the heat of the summer so I couldn't blame him.

"Hello, the Johnson's residents, who are you boy?" the man spoke

"Hello sir, my name's Dan and I live in the neighbourhood, and I happened to hear about this babysitting job you were offering out to young individuals like myself of course"

For an introvert I often think I am a charming well-spoken one.

"Well what lucky one you are Daniel boy as you are the first one to approach us about this offer. Oh and good manners of course" he pardoned himself with a genuine smile. He grabbed with hand a shook with; he had a very strong grip.

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