I'll save you (pt. 4)

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Training camp day 3

"Aw, we want our courage to be tested too!" Mina exclaimed while being dragged by Mr. Aizawa

"Didn't she say there was a carrot and a stick? Where's the carrot?" Kirishima asked

"I'd even take salty licorice..give us a treat, Mr. Aizawa," Kaminari begged

"Salty licorice is delicious." Mr.Aizawa retorted

"For tonight's lesson I will drill into you how to behave during an emergency, if you don't become more self-aware that you're falling behind the others, then the difference between you will grow larger, in a broad sense this is also a kind of treat'"

The 5 students trailed behind him regretting not working harder earlier in the day.



"It's Mandalay's telepath, I like this, it makes me jump!" Mina responded

"It only works in 1 direction though so it's kind of annoying-"

"Quiet" Mr. Aizawa cuts Kaminari off

"We're being attacked by 2 villans, there may be more, Everyone who can move get back to the camp immediately, even if you come across the enemy, retreat and do NOT engage!" The message ended

"Vlad, I'm leaving this place to you" Aizawa ran out the door "I'll go protect the other students"

The students in the room instantly started asking the teacher questions.

"Is your worry taking precedence Eraser?" Dabi asked instantly shooting out his cremation flames

"Don't get in my way, pro hero you guys aren't the ones we want."


"How are you this evening, U.A High School" The lizard villain started talking to us, I looked at Izuku, he was planning something.

"We are the Vanguard Action Squad of the League of Villains!"

"League of Villains?" Ojiro asked

"W-Why are they here?" I looked at Pixie bob the blood running down her head

"Shall I crush this girls head, what d'you think?" said Magne holding the giant stone to pixie's skull

"Like I'd let you, you-"

"Wait up Big sis Mag, Don't be hasty!" The lizard interrupted the other villain

"You too tiger calm down, it all depends on whether having power over life and death follows stain's tenets or not."

"So you're the one his ideology brought?" Iida asked

"That's right!" The lizard shouted "I'm- oh yeah you with the glasses, you were the one who brought about the end of stain at Hosu city." He started to pull out his weapon

"Sorry for the late introduction I'm spinner, the one who will spin his dreams into reality!"

I gasped at the large weapon he pulled out

"I don't care, but you bastards, The woman lying there is Pixie-Bob, has started worrying about getting married lately, she was doing her best to find happiness as a woman, despite her age, you can't damage that woman's face, and then just stand there laughing thoughtlessly about it!"

Tiger unleashed his claws

"What's a hero doing trying to be happy like the average person?!" Spinner pointed the weapon at Tiger

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