He left his company to come work for Marius. He has to share me. He will never fully have me to himself and he seems ok with that.

I turn to Marius and he's looking at me and Coulder. I grab his hand and kiss him. " I'm so happy."

That is until I look at the doctor and he's frowning at the monitor.

"Doc. What is it?"

"Annora I'm taking pictures of the baby and from what I see it's growing fast."

"Well that's good isn't it."

"Not if you include your body mass and structure and the rate that it's growing."

Marius says, " are you saying that Annora is too small to carry the baby."

"To term yes."

Marius looks over at me with anger in his eyes. "What can we do." He asks the doctor.

"Well for starters she can get a bigger body mass and structure."

"So she needs to eat more."

"That would help, yes, but not too much, just a little bit more weight couldn't hurt."

" You think you can do that Annora or do you want to keep jeopardising my baby's life."

"Marius, why are you acting like this is my fault. I was made this way, it's not my fault I'm small."

"Yeah, but you could eat more. I've been telling you this. I know you didn't want the baby but haven't your maternal instincts kicked it yet to protect it at all cost."

It's gets quiet. Sometimes Marius can be suck a dick. Tears come to my eyes.

"Well I will head out. You guys call me if you need me. I will do a routine check from now on as a precaution."

As soon as he leaves I run to Coulder and hug him and cry on his chest.

Coulder says, " could you be a bigger dick. You're hurting her feelings."

Marius grunt and walk from the room and slam the door.

"Coulder, he's upset because I didn't want the baby at first because so much was happening with Marius and me and I just thought a baby would complicate it, but I do love the baby very much so."

He kisses me on my forehead, " then go tell him that. I'm sure he's in his office. He goes there whenever you piss him off. When you're done come find me and we'll finish that massage."

"Oh Coulder, I don't deserve you."

"Too bad you're stuck with me." He grabs my chin hard. " I mean it Annora, you can't leave or run away. I won't allow it and I will find you."

I shiver. Sometimes I think Coulder is worse than Marius. I just haven't pissed him off yet.

"You don't have to worry about that." I lean up and kiss him.

I make my way from the room and down the stairs. My belly is big for me to be five months, but I don't think I'm super big. I still walk the same. No waddling. I'm just really sensitive. Especially my body and feelings. I think Marius takes advantage of that and tries to hurt me, but then again when he's angry he doesn't give a damn so who knows.

I walk into his office and close the door behind me. He's sitting at his desk drinking.

"Marius, are you really drinking now. It's 2:00 in the afternoon."

"It's only wine." He replied back.

He's sitting in the dark so I turn on his desk light and sit on his desk facing him.

Entangled (Toxic Romance)Where stories live. Discover now