Chapter 4

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The Burrow, Ottery St. Catchpole

Dumbledore popped into existence, as he saw the familiar mismatched house that was the, affectionately called, Burrow; the home of the Weasley Family. Dumbledore couldn't help but shake his head at how far the family had come to end up in a place like this. There had of course been a time when the family had a manor of their own as well as a seat in the Wizengamot, but at some point the Family lost it all, eventually ending up here. Dumbledore knew that the Weasley Family seat on the Wizengamot was being kept in storage, waiting for the Family to reclaim it; but currently, he had no intentions of getting the seat back for the Weasleys, as they were simply nothing more but pawns in his plan to control Harry Potter. A plan that was disturbingly coming apart, much to Dumbledore's dislike.

Dumbledore used the closeness between Harry and the Weasleys to his advantage, including his bond with Hermione Granger, though he was concerned about the possibility of them discovering a secret about her. A secret that he carefully hid away, and wanted to make sure that it was never discovered. Regardless, he knew that he could use the close bond between the Weasleys and Granger with Harry; but if Harry started to become close to the Greengrass Family, particularly to Daphne Greengrass due to the betrothal contract, then all of his plans would be ruined. As Dumbledore mulled over his thoughts, he failed to notice a certain snowy white owl leaving the Burrow.

Dumbledore walked up to the door and knocked. As he waited for someone to answer the door, he quickly collected himself and brought out his grandfatherly smile, and the twinkle in his eyes. Very soon, the door opened, and Dumbledore saw Molly Weasley at the door.

'Perfect, just the person I need to help put my plans back in order.' Dumbledore thought to himself, mentally smirking, as Molly was the most blindly loyal individual to him, more than even Minerva McGonagall or Hagrid. 'Molly will help ensure that my plans are back in order, after all, she was the one that chose to treat Harry like he was another son, giving me just the thing I need to use her against Harry; even if she isn't aware that she's being used against her "son".'

"Why Albus, hello," Molly greeted the headmaster, unaware of his thoughts. "Oh please, come in, come in. I must say, I wasn't expecting a visit from you today."

Dumbledore followed the red-headed woman into the kitchen of the Burrow and turned as she shut the door. He knew that he had to play his cards correctly, to appeal to Molly's motherly nature and care for Harry, if he was to get her on his side.

"Good day Molly, I'm hoping if I could speak to you and Arthur about something important," He said, choosing his words carefully. "It's about Harry. I fear that he may be in grave danger."

As soon as Molly's eyes went wide with fright, Dumbledore knew that he had her right where he wanted her. Quickly as she could, Molly abandoned whatever she was about to do, and began to lead Dumbledore to the living room. Once in the living room, Dumbledore saw Arthur Weasley sitting in a chair, reading what looked like a letter. Unsure as to the contents of the letter, Dumbledore decided to proceed carefully; he didn't want to run the risk of losing the Weasley Family, as they were one of his main means of keeping control over Harry, even if they weren't aware of it.

"Arthur dear?" Molly said to her husband, getting his attention. "Professor Dumbledore is here, to speak to us about Harry. I think we should hear what he has to say."

Arthur stood up from his chair and approached his wife and former headmaster. Dumbledore again felt pleased that he would be able to get the Weasleys to do exactly what he wanted. He just needed to say the right words, and he could get the Weasleys or anyone who was blindly willing to follow him, to do what he wanted.

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