"Well I wouldn't want you to pass out from pain again," she shot back with a wickedly delicious smile.

"I was gravely injured!" he retaliated, "I hath been asleep these few days as proof."

"Uhtre'al only kept you asleep for two days to aid your healing," Ava replied meanly.

"Just two days? My arse aches from it. Thy should take earnest note of how it feels," he suggested with a little waggle of his brows.

Ava chuckled.

Tristan let a broad smile ease over his own lips in response. He trailed the back of his fingers along her forearm dreamily.

"I can scarcely dare to believe that this be real," he admitted softly. "That thy hath thy heavenly fleshy envelope, and I hath mine."

His eyes trailed to her bosom briefly, but the over-sized tunic wasn't doing much to aid his imagination.

"How did you know that touching the stone wasn't the right thing to do?" she asked.

"I did not," he told her as he slid his hands to the back of her thighs and tried to encourage her to move higher.

She obliged by standing on her knees and shimmying forward to hover well above his pelvis. He grinned again at her stubborn playfulness.

"I had known for some days that thy were my soul mate – and that I would not have known it were it not for our being stuck together. I considered that our entanglement was not accidental, and that we should not seek to be apart, but rather to be together."

She put her hands on either side of his head and grinned at him.

"Soul mate eh?" she teased.

"For a certainty," he shot back confidently as he stared into her eyes dreamily again.

Tristan's hands slid up her arms and found her back. He tried to encourage her closer as he lifted his head up to meet hers. Ava leaned slowly towards his lips, then at the last minute pushed his face to the side and let the tips of her breasts dance lightly and teasingly over is chest. He chuckled and pulled her bosom down firmly against his pecs. Instead of falling on top of him, she arched her back with her miraculous suppleness, managing to keep her hips far from his. The sight of that audacious curve rearing up around his arms to end in a delicious derriere made his blood surge and his trousers tighten. He let one hand venture up to tease her hind, and she giggled mischievously against his neck as she somehow twisted her hips out of his grasp.

"Gads! A priest! Tybalt, get me a priest!" he shouted in playful desperation.

"A priest?" Ava asked with surprise.

"Aye, a priest. I should wed thee, before I am unable to contain myself any longer," he told her. "I aim for a simple kiss, and thee findeth a way to tease my trousers instead."

Ava glanced down at the little surprise that had started burgeoning below his waist.

"I thought I was doing anything but that!" she replied in her defense with a laugh.

"'Tis impossible for thee to do anything less than that," he told her earnestly.

He hooked her torso firmly with one arm and carefully turned them over until he was on top of her. The pressure on his wimble was delightful. He grunted and took a moment to steady his body, then stared down at her.

"'Tis fortunate that this very large garment does so little to inspire the imagination," he told her as he gave her tunic a playful little tug. "Else I might struggle to wait for thy answer to my proposal."

"Why wait?" Ava asked openly.

"Why, for thy honor, my lady," he replied with surprise.

His eyes narrowed in contemplation. "'Tis no longer a concern in thy future world?" he surmised studiously.

"It is no longer a concern in the future," she confirmed as she stroked the side of his face with affection.

Tristan paused, then pulled himself off of her. She sat up, confused.

"Then I must prove to be thy champion yet again," he announced stoically. "We must protect thy honor, my lady, 'tis woefully important in a place such as this."

"You've been practically ready to dive into my pants all this time, and now when the chance is finally here you stop yourself?" she mused with mild annoyance.

"I must, my lady," he told her with half-hearted resolve as he looked away.

She could see that his decision to protect her virtue was hard for him.

"Who'd of thought that after all those years trying to date jerks, I'd eventually find the one jerk who actually has some honor?"

She moved closer and wrapped her arms around him from behind, letting her head rest on his shoulder.

"How long would it take to fetch the priest?" she asked.

"You would consent to wed?" he noted happily as he half turned to face her.

"If we can do it quickly, then yeah," she replied. "We're soul mates, after all, right? Where else am I going to find a super-hot, champion-knight to take care of me in this crazy place?"

"'Tis but a simple ceremony. We could have it done ere the day is out," he suggested eagerly.

Ava smiled at him, then let her hand slide around his hip and dive down into his trousers. Tristan froze and looked at her inquiringly.

"Well I assume we don't have to protect your virtue?" Ava reasoned with a grin, "And it'll take a little time to find a priest..."

"Tybalt! A priest! Fetch a priest!" Tristan squealed with mock anxiety.

Ava laughed openly and let her hand softly dive deeper. But instead of letting her get to work, Tristan twisted and gave her a long, deep kiss that made her limp in his arms and left them both breathless.

"All in good time, my lady Ava, all in good time," he promised.


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