Chapter 11

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They weren't long out of the gate when Tybalt spurred his horse away in a wild gallop for freedom. His riding left a lot to be desired, and he nearly fell off once or twice as he made away.

"I did caution against that folly," Rowan remarked observably as they watched the man vanish over the dales.

"Aye, thou didst," Tristan replied uncaringly.

Rowan regarded Tristan silently for a moment, then continued to lead the way forward.

'Thou hath no opinion on this matter?' Tristan asked Ava, well aware that most men would think him a fool for his choice.

'None at all. It was the right choice to make. People should not be enslaved,' Ava replied.

'A curious sentiment,' Tristan replied measuredly.

He'd expected her to be fuming for losing something as valuable and helpful as a slave to serve them. Her response had well and truly surprised him.

'You don't agree? You don't resent the band stuck on your arm? You assume that another man would simply be inclined to resent it less than you?' she reasoned.

Tristan was surprised by her clear and simple logic – a line of reasoning that he found he could not refute. When it came down to it, his reasons for releasing Tybalt were actually somewhat self-serving.

'I did it because I owed Welby as much,' he admitted softly. 'I owe him more than I can ever repay. Tybalt was... just a gesture of goodwill against an insurmountable debt.'

'Just when I thought you were maybe not such an ass-hat, you go and tell me how selfish you are,' Ava teased.

Tristan grinned to himself.

'Thee be a peculiar woman, Ava of Dunholm. Our time together has not been entirely insufferable.'

'Yeah, I guess I could say the same about you,' she replied as she put a hand on his stomach to subtly feel it under the guise of scratching it.

Tristan chuckled.

'Have off me, old bat,' he chided as he took his hand away.

'Get out of my head, you ancient stooge,' Ava shot back.

A soft smile of amusement spread out across Tristan's lips that left Rowan wondering what on earth was going through his head at that moment. However, he didn't say anything about it. Instead he spurred his horse forward and they struck out at a brisk canter for a while, making Tristan very glad that Ava was in his head to help him.


While Ava was an accomplished rider, Tristan was nothing of the sort. By the time they reached the inn late that afternoon, his unconditioned body was full of ails. His back ached, his buttocks felt fiery, and his soft parts chaffed.

'I can't help it. I've never had to compensate for all that stuff before,' Ava remarked apologetically.

'Doth not thee have to be mindful of thy lady parts?' Tristan grumbled as he walked carefully from the stable courtyard into the bustling warmth of the tavern.

'Not normally,' she replied honestly.

'Then there be... moments?' he asked as his mind travelled off down an unsavory road while it tried to imagine how certain parts might rub against certain objects...

There was a twinge below his belt.

'Tristan!' Ava squealed.

Tristan grinned to himself. 'My wimble hath been behaving most prudently. Thou should not begrudge him a little stretch,' he told her slyly.

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