'What... the... heck?!?'

There was some sort of bulge in her trousers. Freaked out at the idea of something having crawled up her trouser leg while she was asleep, Ava started fighting at her clothes to open up and let it out. She paused.

'What the hell am I even wearing?' she wondered with abated breath as her eyes danced over the tunic and belt she'd finally fought out of the way to expose laced up leather breaches. Her eyes danced over her surroundings with one swift glance. She was outdoors – somewhere bushy and damp. There was a circle of stones not far from where she lay.

'The stone circle!'

The sight gave her a flicker of memory of touching the stones and feeling faint.

'Did I... pass out?' she mused with confusion as the nagging sensation in her trousers brought her mind back to the mound within them.

She fought with the laces in a desperate attempt to free the creature that lay hidden there. Her efforts finally met with success and she opened them up wide.

"What... the... fu...?!?"

Her voice tapered off in shock. Of all the creatures she'd thought might be hiding in her trousers, a penis wasn't one of them. She stared at the sight in open-faced horror. It seemed to stare back at her with one-eyed glee. It straightened still more and seemed to stretch itself out with a sort of yawn of awakening. Worse still, Ava could feel it moving. She stared at it blankly, not sure what to think or do. Finally, her curiosity won out and she reached down and prodded it gently with a finger.

"Yup, definitely felt that," she told herself on a little exhale.

She paused. Her voice had sounded strange too... She reached up and touched her face. It was covered with course stubble.

"Oh my god..." she muttered in shock as she finally looked at her hands and realized that they were larger and more manly than she was accustomed to. She clutched at her chest. It was flat and hard. The lovely mounds that she'd grown during puberty were gone. There was no doubt about it. She was somehow trapped inside a man's body!

"Oh my god! What... How..."

She was still trying to grasp the situation as she rolled over to get up. The pressure in her trousers got intense as the fabric of her breeches pressed down on it.

"Argh!" she growled as she reached down to save herself.

Her hand wrapped instinctively around her shaft protectively. She wasn't prepared for delightfulness of the sensation and grunted.

'I don't want to get you more excited. I want you to go away,' she grumbled at her new found friend in her head.

"Ah, old friend. I see you woke up without me again..."

Ava jolted with surprise and glanced around. She couldn't see anyone else in the little clearing. It was barely a clearing, if she was honest. Her hand suddenly tightened around her rod and started moving.

"God... why?" she squeaked as waves of pleasurable sensation started pouring over her. "Make it stop!"

The hand paused.

"Who said that?" a voice demanded to know.

Ava glanced around again. She couldn't see anyone else in the clearing or in the foliage.

"Where are you?" she asked, somewhat anxious.

She cautiously covered her sensitive new friend and shuffled back towards the tree line.

"Whose doing that?" the voice demanded to know.

A hand flew to her sword hilt.

'I have a sword hilt?' she mused, almost spellbound now by the ridiculousness of what she was experiencing.

There was a stunned silence for a while as she glanced around the clearing cautiously. There was nothing there, she was sure of it. What was going on?

"Must be the aftereffects of the wine..."

This time Ava realized it was her new voice that was speaking – except she hadn't tried to voice that thought. She put her hand to her throat in exploration. Her Adam's apple jumped under her fingers, coarse beard rough under her palm.

'How is my hand moving of its own violation? Could it be that I am still so drunk that my body and mind are not congruent with each other?'

This time her throat hadn't reverberated. This time, the voice echoed around her mind – as though it was hers, but it was also not hers at the same time. It was a male voice that matched the sound of her new body. The previous owner?

'Well, if my mind does not know what my hand is doing... my morning duty could get more entertaining!' the voice reasoned gleefully as her hand dove back down into her trousers to stroke her new appendage again.

'Oh lord stop that!' Ava squealed in her head.

The hand paused. There was no doubting that he'd heard her. It seemed, however, that he did not quite understand what was happening either, because his hand started moving again in thoughtful contemplation.

'Ahhhhh... I said stop that you filthy bastard!' Ava growled in desperation.

He paused again. "Thou soundeth as if thee be in my head," he reasoned after a moment's reflection.

Beyond The Stoneजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें