Chapter 6 (S3): E Pluribus Unum

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Third Person P

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Third Person P.O.V.

The kids all got up from their seats and looked at the lights flickering rapidly. Will felt the back of his neck and took a shaky breath. "He's here." Will said. Once Will said those words
Y/N could fear faint shrieking coming from the above floor.

Y/N was the first to start walking to the elevator, and everyone else followed. The receptionist took the phone away from her ear "Hey, hey, hey! Two at a time!" she shouted after them. They didn't pay her any mind and just kept walking and pressed the elevator button.

Max pressed the button multiple times hoping the elevator would come down quicker, but it wouldn't work. Y/N and Mike looked to each other "Stairs." Mike nodded and walked over with the group following.

The group ran up the stairs as fast as the could and made it to the floor. The hallways were a mess, the they could hear Jonathan's voice yelling just above the sound of shrieking. They followed Jonathan's voice and saw him trying to break his way into one of the rooms.

Without a second thought, Y/N used her powers to break the door down. Immediately a huge beast that looked like it was made of flesh turned away from Nancy, who was laying on the ground, and roared in their direction. Their eyes all widened. "Jesus!" Mike exclaimed.

"What the f-"

Before Max could finish, the creature came running towards them. Y/N yells as she reaches her arms out and slams the creature against the wall. The slammed it against another wall and then the ceiling, letting it down hoping it was injured enough, but it came towards them again.

For one last measure, Y/N threw the monster out the window. Once they heard it hit the cement ground outside, Jonathan ran to Nancy, kneeling down holding her and asking in she was okay.

The kids ran back downstairs and ran outside. Y/N held her hands out in front of her friends stopping them where they were. Jonathan and Nancy joined them outside, as they watched the creature seemingly melt down to mush and making its way down into the sewers, leaving a signal bone behind.


Y/N walked around the void, taking light steps and looking around her. She wasn't sure if she was going to find what she was looking for exactly, but she was just walking around in nothing but the completely black void.

Meanwhile, outside the void, Y/N was sitting in her and El's room in front of the tv with her blindfold on. The tv played static as pictures laid in front of Y/N in the floor. Pictures of Heather and her family, Mrs. Driscoll, Bruce Lowe who was one of Nancy and Jonathan's coworkers, and Billy. Y/N took another tissue from the tissue box sitting next to her, and wiped her nose, putting the tissue in the pile of she other used tissues.

"It can't be good for her to be in there for this long." Mike said concerned. "Mike, you need to relax." Max stayed as she sat next to El not a chair. "What if she gets brain damage or something?" Mike said continuing to pace around. Lucas and El looked at each other then back at Mike "Oh, shit. Is that, like, a real thing?" Lucas asked confused.

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