My Secret

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With every kick, a new discomfort followed
like a wave crashing down on my body and
soul. After what had seemed forever my father
left me in the floor to once again to pick up the
broken pieces of me. Only this time I had no
strength I could only lay in the floor and groan,
and pray for a change

I couldn't move a muscle this morning. I don't

even know how I made it to my bed last night.

My ribs hurt with bruises scattered across my

skin, and it hurt to breath. I had two black

eyes-one that flooded down my cheek- and

scratches from the broken glass on my

forehead. My phone buzzed signifying someone 

was trying to contact me. I reached for it

successfully grabbing it but also received a

shock of pain to course through my body.

It was a text from Addi? She wanted to know

where I was? I knew I couldn't tell her the real

reason. My dad would literally KILL me!

'I'm sick 🤒' I texted.

'Oh my gosh I'm so sorry 😢. Do you want me

to come over?' She texted back.

I knew no one could see me in this state so I

quickly texted her back.

'No I'm fine!'

And I went on from the day sitting on my bed.

All the sudden my phone started vibrating, I

grabbed the phone and the contact said...

'Bucky 🤮'

I groaned before answering the phone.


"Hey Sassy-Kassie!" Bucky beamed.

"Hey Bucky..." I answered.

"Wow you must be really sick. You

didn't even scold me for calling you

Sassy-Kassie". Bucky said sounding actually


"Don't push your luck." I growled, sitting up

harshly, which was a complete mistake!

"Oh my gosh! I'm coming over! You

sound like you're really hurting." Bucky


"Bucky no I'm...." But before I could even finish

my sentence Bucky hanged up. I went into

complete panic. Bucky couldn't see me like

this! Nobody could! The door opening sounded

through the silent house. "Kassie!"




With every step of Bucky's up the stairs my

stress thickened. My bedroom door slammed

opened revealing Bucky. Bucky gasped. "Kass-

kass..." He whimpered. "Buck..." I mumbled.

"Your not sick..." he mumbled. I shrugged, "I

guess not..."

"We got to get you to the hospital!" Bucky

lunged at me scooping me up bridal style. I

gasped in pain, as I crumbled into his chest.

"What really happened?" He asked worriedly.

"I uh... I ran into a door.... and then uh... -

rolled down the stairs." I lied. "Please don't

take me to the hospital..." I begged. Bucky

looked down at me before smashing his lips

onto mine. The kiss was filled with emotions.








"I'm taking you to the hospital, I care to

much!" Bucky said, breaking the kiss,

continuing his path to the door way.

Bucky Buchanan was a lot of things.

A Cheerleader.

A Blackmailer.

A Bully.

A Jerk.

The list goes on...

But most one thing I thought was impossible to

find in Bucky was compassion and care about

someone other than himself. But it seemed as

though Bucky had proved me wrong.

Oh no!

I think I'm falling in love with Bucky!

To już koniec opublikowanych części.

⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: May 20, 2020 ⏰

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Love Struck  *{Bucky x Oc}*Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz