Meet Kassie Cabel

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Welcome to Seabrook. We're a perfectly

planned community.We all have perfect homes.

Perfect clothes.The perfect life.

Yep, everything is perfect.

Until it wasn't.

Who would have thought

that an accident involving lime soda would

set off the apocalypse?

And when the contaminated

green haze blew west, and people were not

happy. Because it turned them into...

Zombies.That's right. Zombies!

There is bedlam in Seabrook,

monsters are attacking!

No... Brain-eating... Zombies.

Dark and gory times. But we built

a big barrier to protect us from the zombie hordes.

Safe at last, Seabrook could finally

get back to our perfect lives.

Well, a lot has changed

since they built the barrier 50 years ago.

Science found a much better way

to deal with zombies.

And you know what happened to those

old brain-eating monsters?

Well, they still have to live on their side of the barrier.

"Give me an F, give me an I,

Give me an R-S-T. It's the first day

of freshman year for me, me, me!"

"Oh, hi. I'm Kassie and it my freshman year, if

you didn't catch that earlier, alongside my best

friend Addison.

But today's my shot at making

the Seabrook cheer squad.

You make cheer and you fit in.

And why wouldn't I fit in?

I'm a totally normal teen.


except for that I'm not.

Cause normal Seabrook teens are not

depressed, I mean sometimes teen's get down

but I'm seriously depressed.

My mother died when I was just only three, and

my father blamed her death on me.

My father soon became an alcoholic, but he

somehow kept it secretive because everyone

talks about how wonderful my dad is. Which is

not true! My father beats me for the littlest

reasons and him being drunk doesn't help either."

I ran down the stairs and

set across the table from my father.

He seemed stable for today, which was probably

because of cheer tryouts being today.

Ever since mom died dad has been consistent

on me making the cheer team in her honor.

And yes her cheer picture is proudly hanging on

the wall.

"You ready to blow this popsicle stand?" My

father said enthusiastically. "You bet!" I said.

"Just keep that smile on and put some honor


your last name and make me proud!" He said. I

put on my fake smile and kissed him on the

cheek before going outside and meeting Addi.

(Your Next To Addison the Whole Time)

Addison and me both walked in catching up, and

noticed she was still wearing her wig. And Yes I

know about her white hair. I had found

out at one of our sleepovers in the fourth grade,

her wig must've slipped off during the night and

since I was always the first to wake up at our

sleepovers I found out her secret. She told me

that she was afraid that she'd lost her best friend

that day, but I told her about how it was unique

and cool. And that it was refreshing to see

something different in a 'perfect' world.

Me and Addi told each other everything, well

except for my darkest secret about my father.

"Hey Kass are you okay?" Addison asked

before a male voice interrupted us. "Ahem, Addison don't you think you should introduce me to your friend"?

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