Faking It

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I groaned in frustration, I had no choice, "Mr. Buchanan you have a deal." I said shaking his hand.
I jerked up awake, panting. I sighed in relief. I

walked to the shower and showered quickly. "It

was just a dream." I had finally convinced

myself. "Kassie your boyfriends here!" My dad

exclaimed. Boyfriend?! I don't have one of

those! Then it clicked to me, it was not a dream

it was real. My life was now officially a living

hell. "In a minute!" I exclaimed hurrying and


 "Morning angel wings

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"Morning angel wings." Bucky winks. As I hold

back every nerve in my body ready to slap this

devil into the next leap year. Heck into the next

20 leap years. "Morning sweetie pie." I fake

grin. "Well you better get to school don't wanna

be late!" My dad said. "Bye dad." I grinned.

Like I said my dad is a totally different person

when people are around. Me and Bucky walked

side by side to school, which was the most

annoying thing ever!!! It was either about his

popularity, his looks, or his awards. Somebody

kill me! Once we were at the door way of the

school Bucky grabbed my hand. "Just what do

you think you're doing?!" I whispered. Just go

along with it as we walked through the

courtyard filled with students. Which stopped

to stare at our interlocked hands. I just put on

my famous fake smile continuing to the doors.

Bucky's palm soon left mine as he went to open

the door for me. Once me and him entered

Bucky made a big move, as we entered he

wrapped his arm around my waist! I wanted to

box his jaws but thought wiser of it. I stopped

at my locker when Addi approached me. "How

long???" She asked obviously shocked. Welp

Ima gonna have to make up a lie. "Uhhh... Well

you see I had a huge crush over him... well...

forever and turns out he returned the feelings... 

considering class yesterday..." I cringed at the

lie I was telling. I'm a horrible lier! "And he

asked me out.." "awww so cute!!! I ship it! Why

didn't you tell me you had a crush on him?"

She accused. "Jeez sorry!" I joke. I'm tired

of faking everything!  I made it throughout the

day except for a big tweak in the middle of the

day. I gotten cold, so when I shivered Bucky

gave me his jacket! And what's worst he's

making me keep it and wear it! "So that way

people can tell we are 'dating'." Bucky has said.

And he also KISSED me in front of everybody!

This little jerk! I swear I'm going to need to go

to a insane asylum after dealing with him!

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