Chapter 17

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Rose's Point Of View.

As someone who didn't enjoy change and liked things to be constant in her life, I didn't mind being with Theodore. It had been only two days since we were properly, how should I put this, officially boyfriend and girlfriend? I didn't like to label and neither of us has actually said it but we both knew we were with each other. 

I liked it, I liked spending my time with him and I was surprised that I was enjoying it. I never thought I could connect with someone on such a deep emotional level. He was completely different to me, he was practically an orphan. I felt like he could break any minute.

He had come up with the play because it was literally his life. I felt so sorry for him but I knew that it wasn't what he wanted me to feel.
I had spent the weekend with Theo and because of that I had completely gone out of my daily routine. I hadn't gone out for a jog and I slept in until ten. My parents thought I was sick. Maybe I was, but not physically and this wasn't the type of sickness that needed to be cured. I had just fallen for a guy.

It was Monday morning, which meant that it was the last week until Christmas Holidays would start. This year I was looking forward to Christmas more than any other year. I wanted to buy something nice for Theo and make this Christmas memorable for him. Memorable in a happy way, so he would start looking forward to it each year. So he would remember it and think of happiness, not of how his mother died. But that his mum would have wanted him to be happy. 

I walked through the snow to school. It was cold but if I was skipping my jogging I should at least walk to school. 

It was later than usual so I walked pretty fast. Theodore and I had decided to not share our relationship with the world. There was no need and we were both sure that everyone would make it a big deal. After all Liz did attack me when I wasn't even with Theodore, so I wondered what she would do if she found out that I was with Theo. 

As I walked I remembered how Theodore had lightly kissed the small scar on the side of my face. Whispering in my ea rand saying sorry about Liz hitting me. My stomach tightened, I already missed him. 

I got to the school and it seemed like everyone was already there. I opened the door and soon as I stepped into the hallway people began to stare at me, they were all silently whispering to each other and throwing me terrible looks. I looked behind me and wondered what was happening. Where they all talking about me? What had I done?

Suddenly someone grabbed me and I almost screamed but noticed Theo's hands around me. 

''Let's go.'' He said and took me outside. As we walked more people kept staring at me. Not at Theo but me. Why me?

''Theo...'' I said not liking this at all.

Theo didn't reply but kept walking. He brought me behind a prefab and then let go of me. He didn't look at me, instead he put his head in his hands and swore. 

''Theo what's happening?'' I asked, feeling scared. 

''Just know that I had nothing to do with this.'' He looked up at me. 

Before I had a chance to ask what he was talking about the girl that I had seen Theo with last week walked behind the prefab. She was holding something in her hand. 

''Have you seen-'' She stopped when she saw me standing beside the wall. 

Theodore shut his eyes.

''See what?'' I asked and glanced down at whatever the girl was holding. The girl glanced at Theo and then handed me the paper. 

''Rose...'' Theodore said when I looked down at the page. 

I wasn't even sure what went through my mind at that moment. 

It was a picture of me, but obviously photoshoped. I was, well the person with my face, was naked, wearing a Santa hat. In big red bold writing it said. 

-The virgin is now a slut.-

Under that there was a picture of Theodore and I kissing and a picture of me and Robert kissing. 
I stared at the picture, my hands had began to shake. This wasn't happening. No, not to me. How could this happen? I ... How...

''Rose'' Theodore walked up to me and put his hand on my shoulder. 

I shut my eyes and felt tears run down my cheeks. 

''Leave me alone.'' I said trying to keep my voice steady. 

''Rose I had nothing to do with this.'' Theodore said.

''Where did they get the picture of you and me kissing? That is the only thing that isn't photoshoped here!'' I  shouted, unsure of where the anger was coming from. I felt so hurt and so betrayed I couldn't even look at him anymore. I scrunched up the page and threw it on the ground. 

''Rose wait!'' I heard Theo call but I was already running away. I ran past all of the people who were staring and pointing at me. I ran past everyone until I bumped into Ella.

''You.'' She said holding the same piece of paper.

''You were the one Robbie was cheating with.'' Ella said her voice full of anger.

''Ella that's not true it's not true.'' I said no longer caring about the fact that my voice was sounding off. 

''I hate you'' Ella glared at me and then walked away. I stood in the middle of the hallway with everyone staring at me. I couldn't stop the tears from forming. I ran to the bathroom and locked myself in a stall. This was probably the worst thing that could have happened. 

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