Chapter 16

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Rose's Point Of View.

I actually put in effort in getting dressed. This wasn't something I was used to. I decided on a pair of black skinny jeans and a warm oversized cardigan. It was comfortable yet looked quite decent. Over that I put on my black coat and left my long red hair down. I was way too excited to see Theo. It had only been a few hours since I seen him yet I already missed him. I told mum and dad that I was going out to meet a friend and left.

It was almost eight and I was getting close to the big rock. Once I got closer I noticed someone was leaning against it. I instantly knew who it was, my heart picked up it's pace as I got closer to Theo. 

''Well hello'' Theodore smiled and I felt like I would melt the snow underneath me.

''Hey'' I said walking closer to him. His hands were in his pockets and so were mine. We looked at each other and every inch of me wished to touch him. I swallowed and looked at his mouth. He smiled and I felt my chest getting warm. 

''We could stand here and looked at each other all day if you want.'' Theo said. 

''Unless you're waiting for me to kiss you.'' Theo raised his eyebrow and smirked. I couldn't help but laugh and feel my cheeks heat up. 

''I kissed you like five times already, it's your turn to do it now.'' Theo added trying to sound serious. I bit the inside of my cheek and took a step closer to him. Two more steps and we would be touching. 

''Maybe I don't want to kiss you.'' I said, obviously lying because I was dying to feel his lips on mine. 

''Oh as if you can resist these lips.'' Theo made a kissy face and I had to bite the inside of my cheek harder to stop myself from laughing. I wasn't going to give in.

''I can, watch me.'' I said and crossed my arms. 

''Fine, if you want to play this game then let's see who wins.'' Theo said and I laughed. 

''Let's go back to my house, it's dark and cold out here.'' Theo said and I was surprised that he said that.

''Your house, really?'' I asked.

''Don't worry no funny business, nobody is home anyway.'' Theo said. 

I thought why not, what else would we do outside in the cold. We had already had our fair share of fun last night. 

Theo extended his arm and I took it. It felt so good to have his hand in mine. The contact made me feel all tingly. I had to keep reminding myself that I wasn't going to give in and throw myself at him and kiss him. 

'I thought that was your house.'' I said as we passed the house that he pointed at the other day. 

''Right I pointed in the direction of this house, I never said it was mine'' Theo said and looked down at me, giving me a cheeky smile. 

''Which one is it then?'' I asked. 

''You'll see.'' Theo said as we kept walking. After a few minutes we stopped in front of a big white house. It was massive  and amazingly decorated. 

''Wow'' I said as I took in the house.

''Yeah I know'' Theo said and looked at the house himself, as if seeing it for the first time.

''It was my mums'' He said quietly. 

''Was?'' I asked and looked up at him. He licked his lips and for a brief moment shut his eyes. 

''She died two years ago.'' He said. I felt like someone had stabbed me in the chest. Oh poor Theodore I couldn't imagine what he must have gone through. This explained so much, why he was always so different from everyone else. Always getting into through and doing drugs and alcohol. 

''Oh Theo...'' I said. 

''It's fine really.'' Theo looked at me and smiled. 

''Come let's go inside.'' Theo said and lead me up to his house. 

Inside everything seemed so homey. It was all decorated with Christmas decorations. I wondered what it felt like to live without a mother. It must be really hard for Theo. 

''Where's your dad?'' I said, the words were out of my mouth before I could think about what I was asking.

Theo's face dropped, I could see pain quickly flash over it. Was he alone?

''Theo you can tell me.'' I said walking up to him and wrapping my arms around his waist. Theodore shut his eyes and rested his forehead against mine. 

''I don't know where he is, he's never home. He's always drunk.'' Theo whispered. 

I hugged him even more, pressing his body tightly against mine. I didn't want him to be hurting. I couldn't believe how much I already cared about him. Theo opened his eyes and looked into mine. 

''Don't look so sad.'' He whispered. I knew I couldn't resist anymore, I wanted him to not feel pain. 

I reached up and gently pressed my lips against his. I slowly kissed him and he kissed me back. A moment into the kiss I felt him smile. I pulled away and felt my chest exploding with fireworks. 

''You lost'' Theo whispered.

''That's because you gave me no choice.'' 

''Well I never asked you to kiss me. ''

I shook my head and let go of him. 

''Are you going to show me around?'' I asked hoping that this would take his mind off things. Or maybe these things were always on his mind. 

''If you want to know more I am willing to tell you.'' Theo said. I did want to know more but I didn't want Theo to get hurts. 

''Don't worry, talking about it actually helps me.'' Theo added. 

''Come, we can sit down.'' Theo said and lead me into living room. A big Christmas tree stood near the window. There were no presents under it and that made me sad. Did he really just live here alone while his father was out drunk somewhere?

Theo sat down on a sofa that was covered with a knitted blanked. The living room smelled of cigarettes and alcohol but I didn't mind. I didn't care either. I sat down beside him.

''My mum died of cancer'' Theo spoke. 

I took his hand in mine and squeezed it. 

''She had a brain tumour and it was too big to operate on. She was diagnosed too late. She died on Christmas day.'' Theodore said and looked off into the distance. My chest felt like it had tightened. Nobody should lose their mother like this. 

''I'm so sorry.'' I whispered which made Theo look up at me. 

''Hey don't cry.'' Theo said and wiped a tear away from my cheek. I hadn't even noticed that I was crying. 

''It wasn't your fault, it just happened. Plus your face is too pretty for you to cry.'' Theodore's voice was soothing. He pulled me into a hug and I hugged him back even harder. 

''Theo?'' I asked, still hugging him.


''Is the play we are writing about you?'' I asked. 

Theo pulled away and smiled with the side of his mouth. 

''I didn't think you would figure it out.'' He replied. 

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