
First day of junior year. I continued to fix my hair as I hear Mom calling from downstairs.
"Breakfast!" She yells.
"Be right down!" I yell back.
I finished putting on my earrings and make my way downstairs.
"Good morning (y/n)." A voice from the dining table calls out.
"Good morning Chris." I look over at him, he was sitting at the table with the newspaper in his hands.
Almost a year ago, Mom started dating Chris Peterson. It didn't bother me much, but then he moved in during the summer. That summer I spent a lot of nights over at Kyle's.
My relationship with him is still iffy. I didn't completely trust him but I could somewhat tolerate him.
"So.." He sips his coffee. "Junior year? Ain't that crazy?" He laughs.
"Yeah. Very." I sit down across from him at the table. Mom sets my breakfast in front of me.
"Is Kyle going to take you to school?" Mom turns around from the sink to ask.
"I think." I say as I stuff my face with scrambled eggs.
I pull out my phone.
Me:  Good morning sunshine
Kyle: I hate you,
Kyle: But good morning.. I just woke up btw
Me: Haha, are you driving to school today?
Kyle: No my mom's gonna take me :|, why?
Me: My mom asked, I'm guessing that Chris is going to take me >:(
Kyle: Babe it'll be fine
Me: Yeah ik,
Kyle: See you at school :)
"He said he couldn't." I continue to eat my breakfast.
"Chris, can you take (y/n) to school?" Mom kisses his forehead.
"Yeah of course Honey." He smiles at me.
The rest of breakfast consisted of Chris asking me the worlds stupidest questions.
Eventually it was time for me to go, now I had to face an awkward car ride full with more stupid conversations.
"Are you excited for your first day of school?" He asks as I rest my head on the car window.
"No." I answer briefly.
"Aw! Cmon, I bet there's something to look forward to." He laughs.
I look out the window. There wasn't.
Finally we get to the school after a painful car ride.
"Thank you for the ride." I grab my backpack and swing open the car door.
"Wait- how are you going to get home?" He asks.
"Um, I' ll just ask Kyle." I shrug.
"Speak of the devil. Hey kiddo." Chris waves. I turn around, Kyle was right behind me.
"Hello Mr. Peterson." Kyle waves back.
"Please I told you to call me Chris." He laughs.
"Right." Kyle awkwardly whispers.
"I'll see you two later. Have a great first day." I hop out of his car and shut the door.
I wrap my arms around Kyle. I greet him with a small peck.
"You look good." He smiles. I stick my tongue out.
"Let's just go get our schedules or whatever." I grab his hand and our fingers intertwine.
We stroll into school.
Both Kyle and I find our schedules, get our picture taken and get our ID cards.
After everything, we were expected to all go to the gym for an assembly.
We find a seat.
"Wow we're like one of the first ones here." Kyle sets his backpack on the bleacher.
"Guess we got through everything quickly.." I sigh as I finally get to sit and rest my legs.
In the corner of my eyes, I could see Stan. I looked away, and continued my conversation with Kyle.
The assembly started, which was just full of announcements and boring information. Soon we were all dismissed to our first period.
My first period was my math class. Walking in, I was greeted by all the faces of my classmates. In the corner of the classroom was Jenny. She spots me and waves to call me over.
"(Y/n)! Hey!" She squeals as I sit in the seat next to her.
"Hey Jenny. How was your summer?" I cross my legs.
"It was amazing, especially with Stan." She sighs happily.
"Oh yeah. How's that going?" I ask.
"It's getting better, it started out really rocky." I could tell she was really bothered by what started their rocky relationship.
"What happened?" She turns to look at me. "Well.. if you don't mind me asking." I clear my throat.
"When we were first dating he hooked up with Wendy." Jenny rolls her eyes and crosses her arms. "It was a whole mess."
"Really? Wow." I sit up.
It did take me by surprise. They hooked up?
"Do you know what exactly happened?" I look around the room.
"Yeah. Apparently he was upset about something and he didn't know who to talk to about it. He went to Wendy and eventually all the talking turned to sex. I hate that bitch." She smirks.
"Yeah totally." I say somewhat sarcastically.
"Anyway how are you and Kyle?" She shakes her head.
Sometimes it would catch me off guard when people would ask about Kyle, it still felt as if we were hiding our relationship.
"We're doing great actually. He just gave me this promise ring- which I love so much." I extend my arm for her to view the ring. I never liked showing off , especially to people I didn't really know. Jenny was really the only person I could show this off too.
"You're so lucky. Stan only just wants to have sex all the time." She groans. "Wish he would treat me like how Kyle treats you."
The teacher calls for our attention as she starts class.


"I'll see you later then." Jenny smiles and waves.
"Right. Later Jenny." I wave back. I walk off in her opposite direction to go find Kyle. It was time for lunch. I turn the corner and bump into another person.
"Oh sorry." I step away and see Eric.
"Sorry.. (y/n)." He walks off quickly before I could respond.
I sigh and watch Kyle approach me.
"Hi." He smiles and kisses me cheek.
"Hi." I flash a smile. "Where we gonna eat?"
"We could go out for lunch?" He jingles his car keys in front of my face.
"I thought your mom had the car?"
"Well actually, this morning my mom surprised me with my own car." He grabs my hand.
"What the fuck. How come you didn't tell me?" I nudge him.
"I wanted to surprise you."
We both get to his new car and he drives off to a fast food restaurant.
"Let's eat inside."
We both step inside, immediately we spot a group of kids- probably from our school, ordering something. We get behind them and look up at the menu.
"Oh hey." I hear one of the kids say. I look around and saw that the group of kids, was them.
Stan, Eric, Kenny.
All their girlfriends were there as well.
Jenny, Tammy, Annie.
For a moment I felt my body stiffen, because I didn't know that they were all in relationships. It felt weird.
"Hey guys.." I say awkwardly.
We all stood there.
No one knowing what to say.

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