Escape the Night 7

Start from the beginning

"Run!"Jezebel says as we all run off to the Caribbean exhibit. We place the map all together, we realize we need to connect the objects on the map to the physical objects in the room. All of a sudden, as we try and find objects in the room Jezebel ran in disturbing our search. "I thought we had a connection~"Jezebel said looking at Alex.

"Alex!"I yelled hitting him in the face causing the group to watch absolutely terrified. "And you! Fucking home wrecker!"I yelled pointing to Jezebel as Minwoo and Colleen hold me back. "We're running out of time"Joey says. We slowly find each item, Alex kept trying to talk to me, but I kept ignoring him.

We soon get everything together and a secret door opens and reveals the treasure and the key. We all seemed excited when I saw Alex hugging Jezebel, I looked away sadly as Bretman and Minwoo comforted me. Soon enough, Rorik and his crew come in and Jezebel calls a parley.

Rorik argues with Jezebel as most of us plead for our lives. Suddenly Jezebel and Rorik go making out, "I thought we had something!"Alex uelled as I snapped. "What the fuck Alex!"I yelled as we both start arguing like how Jezebel and Rorik were before. I slapped Alex and kicked him annoyed by his actions. Rorik tells us we can keep the key, but one of us has to die. Of course.

Rorik notices the rings, "Wait you three ladies are worthy of the pirates"He says. "Wait Mina when did you get one?"Minwoo asked, "O-On the docks when I was getting the skulls in line"I say. The pirates leave as I look at the girls, "So you guys don't have to do the challenge"Joey says as we nod. Alex tried to talk to me one last time and I sighed.

"I was joking-"I stop him, "Just leave Alex..."I say and he nods leaving. I say goodbye to Minwoo as he leaves with the boys.

minwoo's pov

We all go outside as we stood at each barrel. I stood between Alex and Bretman, "What could've been"Alex says looking at Jezebel. "You have a girlfriend Alex"I say as he looks at me, "Or should I say had, after tonight"I say as tension grew between us.

Rorik tells us we had to roll the barrels to the alcohol then drink, the roll back. Then we go to the slingshots and knock down one bottle. Then finally we have to use the boat and row to the dock, get a jolly rogers then row back. We go immediately and I start rolling my barrel immediately, Soon enough I get to the table and drink the alcohol immediately.

Listen spice and alcohol are light work for me. Soon enough I finish and row my barrel back, Bretman and I were basically neck and neck. Once I roll the barrel off I run to the slingshot and took my shot immediately knocking down my glass, "Ooo~ I like this one"Rorik says as I run to the docks.

I get on the boat, untie my boat and start rowing off, Bretman was right behind me. "Psst"Bretman says as I look at him. "You know Mina gonna be angry~"Bretman says as I look at Alex, Joey got his glass as I look at Bretman. "I know, but he kind of deserves it now more then ever"I say as I notice Bretman didn't untie his boat as I shrug it off and get to the dock, grab a jolly roger and row back.

I get out and Rorik hands me the key. Bretman and Joey get their right after as I looked at Alex, "Fuck....Shes gonna be pissed"I say looking at Bretman and Alex. The two boys nod as I look at Alex, "Alex!"I call as I walk over to the dock and help him up. He took off his jacket and hands it to me, "Tell her...I'm really sorry, I...I lost my way without her...I can't make it up to her"Alex says and I nod.

"It's okay man...She'll be alright"I say and Alex nods hugging me. I felt horrible, Mina really never had a chance. She couldn't do anything and this mission...It wasn't worth it at all for her, She came for Alex and Alex promised that he'll be with her but...It's like a repeat...Alex isn't around and Mina waits and prays, and suddenly he's gone.

"Tell her, I loved her..."Alex says as he lets go and hands me a ring, "Marriage huh?"I say and Alex chuckles and nods. "I'll let her know"I say as I step away looking down, I moved away and as quickly as possible Alex was shot, and died.

Rorik proposed to Jezebel, but....It was a blur to me..I just wanted to comfort Mina. We ran off immediately back to the girls, How was I gonna tell Mina.

mina's pov

The boys came back and I noticed Alex was gone. "No....N-No, J-Joey, G-guys stop fucking with me"I say as Minwoo stood in front of them and handed me Alex's jacket. " promised me we'd get out together..."I said as I held onto his jacket and fell to the ground crying.

"It isn't fair! It isn't fair! I lost him! He's gone! I can't get him back!"I cried as the group watched, It felt like history was repeating itself, I lost him again.... "Mina...Alex, wanted to give you this"Minwoo says as he hands me Alex's ring, it only caused me to cry more. "I hate him! He made me feel so many emotions and then he does this! I hate him! He promised me a future! Alex!"I cried as Minwoo had to pick me up and bring me to the lounge. I was heartbroken. Alex meant everything to me, and to loose him on such a horrible note. I felt like the world was crashing down on me.

minwoo's pov

We get back to the lounge and Joey pulls down the flag. Their was a note on it, it said:

"The collector is on her way back"

The boys explained what happened only for Mina to cry more as she took of her armor and put on Alex's jacket. "You're gonna finish strong okay?"I say to Mina and she nods holding her sword. "I'm gonna finish strong, for me, for us, for Alex"She says and I nod. I go and put the key into the lock when we heard growling.

I hid Mina behind me. Growling? Why the hell is their growling?!

If my character died: Minwoo edition
(a/n: I actually have several endings but we'll save that for the end of the story)

Minwoo basically died because he didn't want Mina's journey to be a waste. Instead of being first, he actually helped Alex, stayed with him, and made sure Alex was gonna survive. He just wanted Mina to get a happy ending even if it meant ending his own life.

Joey: I saw it in his eyes, he had those: "Keep her safe" kind of eyes. I think he meant it towards Alex more, but I'm sure he meant it to all of us. I just hope Mina won't be devastated by this.

Bretman: Bitch! Why the fuck would you save Alex's ass! He broke Mina's heart, he sucks at the game! He don't deserve it! Ugh plus, Minwoo was the last of the bad bitches.

Colleen: I don't know what happened but seeing Minwoo gone felt, wrong almost. It's a feeling in my stomach like, it wasn't suppose to be him.

Rosanna: Whatever happened on that field I'm worried for Mina. Weather Minwoo actually did loose or he did it on purpose, Mina is upset and it makes sense why.

Alex: I don't know what went on. Minwoo just kept staying by me, and yet, I know he finished all the challenges before me. Like the slingshot, he finished quickly but he stayed at the docks for me...I just...I felt like my win was...basically thrown at me.

Mina: I can't believe it, I couldn't keep Minwoo safe...I couldn't do anything...I lost my best friend, because of what? I don't even know...I'm so sorry Minwoo..

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