The begining of something terrible

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*C R A S H*

The deafening sound could be heard all throughout the cemetery. Something... someone... had crashed right into the middle of the dark and cold area.

???: Ngh... Oh gosh...! Where did I... land...?

She looked around, lightly scanning the area with her eyes alone, though her vision was blurry.

???: Oh no... T-This is a whole new Universe...! I just spread the war farther! *starts coughing up large amounts of blood* And I'm running out of time... I've got to find the gal that runs this universe and warn her...!

And into the night the girl ran...

Lexi: Nyahaha! It's a wonderful day outside today, guys!

Ezume: *Yawn* Nyeh... I guess. It's too bright out...

Mirage: I personally believe that plenty of sunlight is good for our health!

Griffon: Speak for yourself, cabbage... I hate sunlight.

Mirage: C-Cabbage!? Oh the nerve of you!

Teevee: G-Guys... Let's stay nice and friendly to each other, okay...?

Griffon/Mirage: SHUT UP TV HEAD.

Teevee: Eek!! I-I'm sorry...! ;-;

Lexi: Anyways.. Lets make the most of today! It is the last day of your break after all.

Mirage: Aaaand thanks to me, everything went swimmingly~.

Lexi: You mean almost?

Griffon: There was that one time where we almost got crushed by a Ferris wheel.

Teevee: My head over heated yesterday.

Ezume: I fell through a drain and got stuck in the sewers.

Lexi: I got hit by a car as soon as I left my house today.

Mirage: . . .

Lexi: Yeah your luck is pretty flawed.

Mirage: If you want me to kill you, keep talking.

Lexi: Oh no please. Go ahead.

Griffon: They're both scary...

Teevee: Yep...

There was suddenly a loud crash somewhere nearby...

Lexi: What the hell!?

Teevee: W-What was that!?

Lexi: Ooooh... Imma check it out!

Ezume: That's not a good idea.

Lexi: Oh I'll be fine! Nothing wrong with a little peek-

Before Lexi could finish her sentence, somebody went flying past them and crashed into a nearby tree, followed by another girl with a weapon in her hand.

Lexi: What the!?

???: Agh!!

???2: Tch... So much for a real fight.

???: D-Damn it...! *cough cough* W-Why are you doing this!?

???2: Since you're already dying, I've decided to be nice and end you... and your whole universe's misery. So shut it and take it like the champion you are! *raises her sword*

???: This is it... I've failed my people... I'm so sorry...

Lexi: Oh no you don't! HEY!!

???2: Hm?

Lexi jumped in front of one girl and quickly blocked the other's final attack.

???2: Huh!? Hey, just what do you think your doing, kid!?

???: You need to get out of here! It's dangerous-

There was suddenly a mysterious wave of energy flowing though the three gals. And with that there was a moment of silence.

???2: Oh... Ohoho...! It looks like we have a newbie! Congratulations, kid! You just killed yourself.

Lexi: Eh...?

???2: Since I'm nice, I'll spare you so you can see the carnage that's about to go around. Buh bye! *runs off*

Lexi: Huh...

???: *coughs up some blood* S-Shit... my time's run out... it's all... *cough cough* over...

Lexi: Hey hey! What do you mean! What's going on!? What carnage!?!?

???: Y-You don't happen to be... Lexi... do you...?

Lexi: Yeah that's me.

???: Good... So I really did find you in time...

Lexi: Y-You were looking for me...?

???: Mmhmm. I... I don't have much time to explain... so I'll get... *cough cough* straight to the point... There's a war... an insanely large war... between millions and millions of different grim Reapers from different universes... and it happens every 500 years.

Lexi: Oh god...

???: And... I was told you haven't even been in your job for half a year yet, so you may not know that When a Reaper dies, all hell breaks loose... and ultimately annihilates the universe they belonged to *cough cough* ... meaning an uncountable number of innocent people are dying.. *coughs up a large amount of blood* I... I'm... out of time... *cough cough* please... take this...

The dying reaper slowly handed Lexi a small Gemstone with a small yet powerful aura.

???: That comes from Irma... A-And... Because I'm about to die... p-please... take mine too. You'll go through some... changes after a bit... but trust me, they'll help you. And please... *cough cough* Please spare as many as possible... and put an end to this war.... I know you can do it...

Lexi: W-Wait a minute...! What the hell are you signing me up for!?

???:  . . . . .

Lexi: I... I don't understand...

Lexi looked down to study the crystals that were given to her as their energy began to course through her blood. When she looked back up, the girls cold dead body had dissolved into nothing. And with that, Lexi only stood up, and took a rift back home to think to herself for the rest of the night.

(I dunno guys... this may be the best one yet! :3 Welp, bye bye for now! ^^)

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