1. Annihilation Of The Strayed

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Everyday we get to see the unknown Characters from another world, one by one. Sometimes they come in groups at a time.
We, Video Game World citizens, call them, 'Foreigners from Another World' . They either come from their own world or get reincarnated into our universe. The reasons are unknown, even until now.
It was always 'unknown' for some reasons.

"Agent Erin. Report."

"Agent Erin to Agent Patch. The <Danganronpa> group are dispatched to destroy the stray Cartoon Characters in the Anime Department. The strays are about to kill the Anime Characters by aircraft war."

As the invisible helicopters paid attention to the various colour-coded black planes, containing each military members of the Another World Characters Association, also known as the AWCA, the planes started shooting the cartoony planes.

"Team Captain Makoto Naegi."

"Yes, Commander!"

"The Black and White lasers are incoming. Be sure to avoid it."

"Yes, Commander!"

As the grey light appeared onto one of the planes nearby Makoto's, all of them, including Makoto himself, avoided to the right before the large laser beam striked.

One of the planes slowed down.

"Mikan Tsumiki to Makoto Naegi!"

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah, but my plane fuel is running low!"

Makoto sighed, "Then land somewhere safe for emergency landing."

"Got it!"

As the purple toned plane flew down to the lower layers of the clouds, Makoto then shot the incoming black and white planes and the group destroyed them.

"Makoto Naegi to Hajime Hinata!"

"Yes, Team Captain?"

"Send Mikan back to the Headquarters of the Guardians immediately."

Hajime sighed, "Really? What if we-"

"Orders are orders! We have no choice!"

"Got it," as the disappointed Hajime flew back down to where Mikan was left off, while the lasers were about to strike Makoto.

"Junko Enoshima to Makoto Naegi!"

"I know, Junko!"

As he moved the plane quickly to his right, away from the laser shooting, almost scarring the pink toned plane.

"Sheesh! Watch yourself, will you, Captain?!"

"You need to focus, Junko! We're in a dire situation!"

The Cartoon planes went circling around them, the planes transformed into the robot planes, featuring the <Danganronpa> members(Nagito Komaeda, Chiaki Nanami, Junko Enoshima, and Mukuro Ikusaba) , including Makoto himself.

"Command to the whole team. Ready to fire!"

Everyone nodded and aimed at the foreign planes.

"Incoming laser attack!"


As the laser strikes down Junko by her right side, the girl with pale pink blonde hair, the plane dropped down with smoke coming out of it.


Mukuro then went down to her sister.

"Mukuro, no!"

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