Chapter 2

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Just as my crying began to subside I heard someone clear their throat at the door. Looking up shocked I wondered in my embarrassment how long Dr. McAndrew had watched me cry before gaining my attention.

"I can come back in a few minutes." He said, trying to be polite.

"No, um, I just – I didn't…" I wasn't entirely sure what I had planned to say as an excuse, so I just stopped trying. "I hadn't thought about the fact that I might die. It hadn't even occurred to me, and then it just did. And I'm scared."

"You have one of the best teams in the world working to make you better. It's normal to be scared, but you don't need to be. You're going to be fine." I had a feeling McAndrew had said this speech a million different times to a million different patients.

"Can you promise me I won't die?"

There was a moment of silence. It was one of those silences that are somehow still loud and I knew he wanted to say he promised, but he knew better. He knew it would be a lie.

"If you can't guarantee it, please don't lie to me. I could die, I realize that now. It doesn't make me any less determined not to though. So, talk me through this chemo."

After McAndrew left I sat in the empty room thinking on everything else. About two minutes in to thinking however, I realized I was tired of thinking. Getting up I couldn't really decide what I wanted to do with myself, then Leo's offer bounced back to the forefront of my mind. It seemed as good an option as any, so I headed out to find the room with the painted windows.

By the time I got there it was full. "Hey, Piper, you actually came!" Leo smiled widely at me. He greeted me like we were already old friends and it threw me for a loop. I wasn't sure if he was trying to be overly friendly or he honestly treated people like that all the time.

"Hey, just got done meeting with Dr. McAndrew. I didn't really know what else to do so…you said you had some people for me to meet?" I look around the room, taking stock of the others sitting around sizing me up as well.

There were two other guys besides Leo. One was black with a short afro and slightly drooping eye lids, which made it look as though he was high. The second was olive skinned, but didn't look white, possibly Hispanic. He had medium length light brown hair and dark brown earnest eyes.

There were also two girls in the room. One, tall with dyed blonde hair and cold grey eyes. She was staring as though my very existence was an insult to her own. The other was thin, like obviously sick thin, with skin that looked like it was once olive but had paled a bit, probably because of whatever was making her thin. Her hair was long, just like the blonde's, only she had light brown hair. She had brown eyes and a style the bordered on hipster.

"Leo, my man, when you said you met the new girl on the ward you didn't mention how beautiful she was."

"Yeah, uh, Piper, this is Dash." Leo chuckled, pointing to the boy who had just spoken. Droopy eyes was a smooth talker.

"Piper, it is a pleasure to meet you." Dash got up from his spot next to Leo and walked over. He took my hand and grasped it with both of his. "Leo probably neglected to tell you this but, I'm a guy who knows how to get things around here. Anything you need, feel free to call on me."

"Dash, was it?" I ask, gently removing my hand from his. When he nodded I smirked. "I'll be sure to remember that. But first, tell me something."


"Do any of these lines ever work on a girl?"

"No, they don't." The brunette girl laughed. "I'm Emma; it's nice to meet you." She held out her hand for me as Dash moved back to his seat.

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