Ikari Scar

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Name: Ikari (Anger in Japanese)

Age: Mid 20s

Gender: Male

Height: 6'1

Weight: 147 pounds

Species: Werewolf (Has all characteristics like a werewolf such as tail ears and claws)

Power: Super strength

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: Very Angry when provoked, caring towards his family and friends, quiet at first, always busy and doesn't like to be near Backlash areas (Will explain in the rp) .

(When in heat, is a total opposite.)

Likes: Running, Music, Books, Cooking and hunting.

Dislikes: Stupid people, disobedient children, Fire and whips.

Looks: Hazel green eyes, jet black hair, physically fit, beautiful caramel skin tan, always has that business man look unless he's at his house and has a very well shaped face.

Pets: A white ferret called Ollie

Scars: All on his back from his past.

Backstory: His father sold him to a merchant to make him more 'worthy of his pack's name', He had been constantly abused and was sold from merchant to merchant until he was 13. He escaped and immediately killed his father with the help of his younger brother. Before the father was killed, he had given his wife a slow poison which wasn't proven yet.

Family: his mother and brother....

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