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"Maya you know that's not what I'm saying." He grabs my hands and pulls me to him.

"Then what are you saying?" I asked.

"I want to ask you something and then I'll answer that question." He smiled, I tried to hide the smile that slowly coming onto my face.

"Fine. What?" I pull my hands away and grab my bag slinging it over my shoulder.

"Will you go to the dance tonight? With me?" He rubbed his neck nervously.

"Won't you be going with Austin and David?" I asked.

"Well we're supposed to be going as the three musketeers but I would like it if you'd be my date." He smile leaning down a bit getting really- I mean really close to my face.

"I'll go but I'll be showing up with Carter and Sam if they go." I smile leaning up teasing just a bit, the bell rings and he groans putting his head back. "Saved by the bell. Literally." I giggle, he smiles and shakes his head kissing my cheek and goes to his class.

As the school day goes on and on forever and me dying of boredom but coming back to life in every class i go home before going out to shop for a costume and choose to be a sexy devil.


Explaining everything to my uncle, I go put my costume in the back of my car and drive to the diner seeing Sam working and Shelby and the others sit down, guessing they just arrived.

Ryan saw me and smiled motioning me to come sit, I smile and give a 'wait' signal before walking towards Sam and Rhonda.

"I'm a very appealing person." They imitate Fiona in sync. I laugh before talking with them for a bit and walk toward the 'cool kids'. Ryan pushed David wanting him to get out and me sit next to him.

"I don't think i can eat anything here." Shelby tells us
"Why do I have a feeling i wont be able to get a zone meal here." She grabs the menu going through it.

"I already ate." Madison said, I roll my eyes at the two soon to be three.

"Madison, laxatives don't qualify as a food group." We all chuckle at that, surprisingly me too.

She glares at Caitlyn so she covers her mouth and quickly stops.

"Surprised you didn't know about that." He continued. The boys and i laughed.

"Oh, stop it." Shelby told him. "Well, if it isn't diner girl." She said as Sam walked or wheeled to us.

"What can I get you guys?'' Sam asked, putting hand on her hip already annoyed with everyone, except me. ;)

"What can I get here that has no sugar, no carbs and is fat free?" Shelby asked being annoying like seriously what is wrong with eating actual food? She can just eat grass outside if she's allergic.

"Water." Sam answered. I smile proudly at her, good for her standing up to the bullies and my crush slash future boyfriend. Hopefully.

'Ooh, water. Feisty." David said, the boys and I chuckle.

"Was that supposed to be a joke?" Madison asked.

"It was funny." Austin mumbled. I snickered, hiding behind Ryan's shoulder knowing the girls were glaring at me.

"I'll have a Voss." She smiled mockingly.

"Excuse me?" Sam questioned.

"It's water. From Norway." Caitlyn answered, looking at Sam up and down.

I glare at her when she looks back at us and she immediately puts her head down.

"She's the worst." Shelby said.

David and Ryan laugh, i glare at them before pushing David signaling I wanted out.

Ryan stopped and looked at me questionably, I ignore it and stand by Sam.

"Sorry, we only have water from the valley." Sam replied.

I was getting fed up with how they were treating her.

"Oh, well, I'll have an iced tea." Shelby told Sam and gave her a the menu's.

"Make that two, and, uh, you know, I'm still waiting on that breakfast burrito, diner girl." David told Sam, Ryan continues to stare at me.

She walks away and everyone laughs, Caitlyn grabbed my hand stopping me from following Sam. Shelby gives me this look as if daring me to walk away.

"Thank you." David said.

"See you." Madison shoo's her away.

"Ugh she is so not getting a tip."

I sarcastically smile at them before hearing that Austin wanted to talk to Shelby, privately.

"Oh anything you say to me, you can say in front of my peeps." He rose his eyebrows at that not wanting to embarrass her.

Everyone leans closer to hear what he has to say.

"Okay.. " she raises a eyebrow probably thinking he's going to ask her to the dance ".. i wanna break up." He said bluntly, the girls gasp and Shelby has a shocked face as if thinking he would never say that.

"What?!" Shelby asked shocked.

"Ouch." Ryan said.

"That was harsh." Caitlyn told Madison.

"Are you in love with somebody else?' Shelby questioned.

"I think so." Austin told her, i mean he did say he wanted to talk to her privately, it's her fault she wanted him to talk to her in front of everyone.

"No way." Madison said shocked.

"What? Who bro?" David asked.

"I don't know." Austin answered, looking at them.
"I mean we can still be-" he gets cut off.

"DON'T say the word friends." Shelby said, raising her voice. I see Ryan grab Austin's shoulder pulling him away from Shelby. She points a finger at him, "Now, unfortunately for you, I'm gonna overlook this mental breakdown of yours.." Austin gave a her a weird look. ".. just chill out, we're gonna go get ready for the dance, and I'll see you there, hmm?'' She rose an eyebrow at him before signaling for the girls to get up.

"Later.'' The boys tell them except Austin who looks down. They chuckle.

"That went well, bro." I hear David tell him before I walk away towards Rhonda.

I feel a tap on my shoulder seeing Ryan, he grabs my hand and leads me by the door.

I look back and see Austin try and give Sam money but she says something for him to put the money back in his pocket before walking towards us.

"Hey, wait for me?" Ryan asked, Austin's nodded his head before heading out.

Before either of us could say something, Carter walks in. In his costume.

We ignore it "What was that earlier?' He questioned.

"Really? Are you serious right now Ryan? Y'all just made fun of my friend. AGAIN." I cross my arms over my chest.


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